HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, YOU!

Fucking ASSHOLE!

And Fuck that worthless bitch Patty Murray sitting there too.

Oh the Schadenfrude is sweet.

So, So, SWEET!

Snivel harder you miserable cock sucker.

Of course we all knew the instant McCarthy announced they were opening an Impeachment Inquiry into that Lying Pedo Thief Biden that it’s all going to be nothing but Kabuki Theater from start to finish but seeing these motherfuckers having to play defense for once finally almost have me a chubby.

And the ONLY reason McCarthy finally caved in and let it happen is because Matt Gaetz stood up and threatened to yank the Speaker position out from under him in a most serious manner.


I am already seeing The Media circling the wagons and repeating the bald faced lie that there is “Zero Evidence” of any wrong doing by Biden.

I have some bad news for you lying sonsabitches.

There is a literal TRUCK LOAD of evidence against that crooked motherfucker and that doesn’t even include ANYTHING about the Coke Head Kid Hunter.

The Media are about to get slapped around but good and there will come a point where this WILL NOT be able to be buried and ignored by anyone.

Even that putrid RINO Chris Christie who just this minute was on television whining about all this cheapening the impeachment process is going to get a double helping of reality that he will choke on before this is all said and done.

The rest of the Demoncrats are all trying to demonize the MAGA Republicans and even THAT isn’t going to make any of this go away.

Nope, Pandora’s Box just officially got opened and there is no putting a lid back on it.

I’m also going to take a quick second here and give some Props to that little blonde fireball Marjory Taylor Greene because she had already filed Impeachment language months ago that both parties tried to ignore.

It took Gaetz threatening McCarthy for the ball to finally get rolling though.

You can expect them to do everything in their power to find devious and horrific ways to divert attention from the circus that is going to be Washington D.C. and this Impeachment Inquiry.

In the meantime I’d suggest making sure you don’t run out of popcorn.

You are literally watching history being made.

25 thoughts on “HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!

  1. Time to serve up the goose. What was good for the gander, Our President Trump.
    Time for Biden to fry. At least awaken the stupid and superior smarter than us electorate. Happened in my own family. Canceled him.
    It happens for your own sanity and critical thinking.

    • Schumer knows full well that if Biden is impeached the Senate will not convict.

      If Biden is impeached and convicted Kamala Harris will become president and be eligible for eight more years after completing the Bidens term.

      Evil Franklin

    • There’s a geriatric wing at Guantanamo. Where hopefully they have some made in the USA hemp rope…

  2. Impeachment actions are just masturbatory bullshit for preening politicians seeking relevance. There is no way in hell that two thirds of the Senate can agree on ANYTHING let alone dumping their chosen puppet Pedo Joe. Just another waste of tax dollars. Just another way to distract the feeble minded from the other crimes they are engaged in.

    • Yes, you are right. This is all kabuki theatre.
      The spending will continue, until the die off improves.

      • don’t forget sound bites for their re-election ads !
        got to drum up more money so they can “finish the job” bullshit that they have said for the last god only knows many years. think of all the shows so far and what has gotten done
        or rather anyone charged ?
        don’t hold your breath waiting on these worthless assholes
        to do anything. it not even good theatre anymore, just the same old bullshit that goes nowhere.

  3. Five will get you ten when President Trump assumes office this time, he will be impeached and tried the first two months.
    The only reason i want biden impeached is to show these imperious cocksuckers they aint as all that as they think.

  4. Schumer: “…who just want to pursue their own witch hunt….”

    Wow, that’s rich. Not at all surprising, but rich. Pot, meet kettle.

  5. ‘Witch hunt’?
    ‘Which hunt’?
    I lost track of which hunt you’re working on against Trump right now.

  6. well, like most people I run into around here. I loathe the clowns in DC.
    and about that asshole above, every time I see him I feel like puking.
    I wonder how much he has hidden away in some off shore banks ?
    kind of funny anymore when I say old Vlad should nuke DC , people tend to agree with me these days.

    • Just hope that Vlad will wait for all the assholes to be in session and not on one of their ridiculously long vacations. Need them all to be eradicated in one fell swoop. Worthless motherfuckers all!

  7. Change of government at the next election? How about an election slogan “Same Shit, Different Assholes”.

    Oh, sorry, that should be “Same Shit, same Assholes”.

    Unless one of them dies of old age.

  8. This is designed to get people to donate to the Republican wing of the Uniparty. I doubt that McCarthy will be able to get even a majority of Republicans to vote for impeachment, let alone any Democrats.
    If a miracle happened, and the House voted to impeach, then it would go to the Senate, where “Schemer” and “China Mitch” would simply not do anything.

  9. Schumer: “People want us to do something to make their lives better.”

    I have a suggestion Chuckles..

  10. Until those Treasonous Bastards ride the electric like the Rosenbergs did, I am not going to be satisfied.  It all smoke-n-mirrors until that happens.

    • You are too kind, I wish to see the comeback of hung, drawn, and quartered followed by “off with their heads.”

  11. If the Dem’s really believe or see the proof positive that would presented to the American people I believe that Joe will suffer a major health crisis and suck face will be installed. They will not let a valid impeachment to go forward. He’ll be shuffled off to Delaware and always unavailable to the public. The powers that be behind the scene will control suck face as well.

  12. Patty Smurfy and Upchuck Schoomer have about 35 IQ points between ’em, they stick their finger in the air to gauge which way the political wind is blowing.

    Here’s hoping Gaetz and MTG keep the pressure up on McCarthy!

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