
Holodomar, 1932/33, Ukraine, 5 million

Cambodia, 1975, 2 million

Bangladesh, 1971, 3 million

Mayan (Gautemala) 1980, 200,000

Circassion, 1864, 1.5 million

Bosnian, 1992, 100,000

East Timor, 1975, 200,000

Greek, 1910, 1.5 million

Armenian, 1915, 1 million

Anfal, (Kurdish) Iraq, 1986/89, 50,00 to 185,000

Soloman Island, 1998, 40,000

Herero & Nama, (German West South Africa) 1904, 80,000

14,625,000 people were slaughtered in the last 160 years by other governments, communists, and their own governments. You don’t think it won’t happen here? In every instance of genocide, impoverished, distanced, raped, tortured, starved, brutally beaten men, women and children. In most of these scenarios, food production and processes were destroyed and money worthless.

These genocides aren’t the first, there is evidence this was very pursuant in antiquity. Always a small group of elites forcing their will and power.

This is why you have to be prepared, arm yourself and family, make peace with your God, because they aren’t, they are going to kill you and take from you. You have to set your heart, you are going to have to kill. Prepare to defend yourself.

13 thoughts on “Genocides.

  1. Pol Pot would be downright jealous of the subterfuge that the U.S. government has perpetuated, ad infinitum, on its citizens. Be the Korean on the roof, protect your own. Improvise, adapt and overcome.

  2. Pol Pot did not have a country full of CCW citizens.
    Who knew where the police and aldermen, deputies worked and lived.
    WE KNOW THEM. And their moms, children, nephews, nieces, cousins.

  3. and now you beginning to see. look at what happen and why ? then look at what came BEFORE it happen .
    then look at what is happening here now.
    these things always follow a pattern.
    only then will you understand what and why things are the way they are today.
    read your history. you will find out what happens next.
    then look to see who is behind it all. it is always some group of “people”.
    food is important sure. but you better have a rifle too and the will to use it.
    make sure you have enough ammo as well too.
    we are coming to a point here, in this country, where one part hates the other part and the other part will stand by and do nothing to stop it.
    never thought I see it happen here.

  4. Stalin killed 20 million or more. Mao probably killed 50 million, perhaps more.
    Compared to them Hitler was a rank amateur.

      • Yes, I noticed that those two didn’t make the list and they should be, without doubt, at the top.

        Also note that with all of these depredations foisted on their own citizens, .gov took citizen’s food away from them as the opening salvo and the media of the day, for the most part, covered for .gov.

    • No, Dan. No. (And no, Tsquared, no.) The maximum number of people* that can be killed in a “genocide” is 5,999,999. There is only one actual genocide that matters, and it cannot be surpassed.

      *20 and 50 million “people”? Those were not actual human beings! Those were just Russians and Chinamen: Animals in the SHAPE of human beings, and with the power of speech, but not real humans.

      Educate yourselves, you haters.

  5. It already has happened here. It was the Indian Wars that lasted from 1607 to 1918 that killed off some 90% of the Native Americans.

    Why do you think you’re living in your house? Did Yahweh give you that land?

    For that matter, you need to add the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians, still underway.

    • Historically illiterate are amusing.

      Please wander to the nearest library and seek out any place, time or nation that the previous owners of that earth were not destroyed or adsorbed by the current owners.

      In case you failed to notice that’s what the Leftists-Socialist-Communists are offering to DO to us.

      Note I didn’t say GOOGLE it as “facts” and Opinions are totally intertwined in Google. Read some Pre-1960’s history books.

      Yahweh INDEED ordered the destruction of several nation tribes so the “Chosen” could have land. Destruction to the level that even ALL Women, children and animals were destroyed.

      I will happily give you bible verses if you’d like.

      The Palestinians are a made-up tribe of once goat herders that ALL the Arab nations made to MOVE ALONG from time to time.

      No Arab nation has ever offered to part with a few hundred square miles to GIVE the POOR Palestinians a Homeland. Look at the maps, PLENTY of un-used lands there.

      The Arab League CHOOSE to Move those Bedouins against the newly created state of Israel to be a thorn in their side.

      As Cedric said, prepare to stand and deliver and get right with your creator.

    • The native Americans were fairly adept at killing each other before evil whitey showed up.

    • Diseases ( such as small pox) ravaged the Native American population in colonial times… The indigenous populace had no immunity against these imported bacteria & viral harbingers of death…

  6. The US is no slouch in the genocide department, but we call it abortion. What is it–over 50 million and still going? No wonder we are under God’s judgement. The slaughter of the innocents continues, as the sacred rite of the death cult. “Choice” is the new name of Molech.

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