20 thoughts on “Fuck?

  1. OK, First time I’ve seen the word isomorphic. Not knowing its definition, I looked it up. It’s related to isomorphism which I also looked up. I’m now more confused than when I didn’t know What In the Actual F*ck isomorphism/isomorphic is. There are even diagrams to illustrate the main points of the related definitions about mathematically related structures which I have no fucking idea (is that isomorphic to what in the actual fuck) what they are trying to convey.

    Thanks (I think)

  2. Long, long ago looked into what that word actually means. Yes, I know what you’re thinking but what about the history of when and where it originated and what did it mean in that time frame, not ours. So, what I found originated in the middle ages when they put people in stocks in the town square with signs under as to cause and what the townspeople could do to them. Mostly women were put in there with the word underneath – For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. Which ultimately got shortened to what we now use now for “carnal knowledge”.

      • She’ll stand for some things, but laying down on the job is her specialty.

        (This is second- or third-hand knowledge, BTW)

      • I’ll put that on my list to research. In that profession I’m sure that the meaning has changed over the centuries. But basically if your in the stock they consider you as a whore. I wonder if single girls back then or just married women. Another line to look at.

      • Women’s Hospitality Organization for Refortifying and Encouraging Spacemen, according to Heinlein in “All You Zombies”.
        Stay safe

  3. According to my wife, who is German, fuck is a German word. Might be spelled Fock or fook. She told be what it meant but was only half listening so that tidbit is lost. She tells be I don’t listen so I suppose she is right.

  4. Y’all’s funnin’ right? Isomorphic means same (iso) shape (morph). Like a phonograph record versus a CD. The record and the CD are isomorphic because they basically have the same shape. Simple, right?

    But here’s where it gets weird. A phonograph record is also isomorphic to a coffee mug (a normal mug with a single closed-loop handle; not some freaky modern art bullshit with a bicycle handlebar, a double-pronged dildo, and brass knuckles attached to it). Why? Both the record and the mug are structures pierced by a single hole. You could “mush and stretch” a record into a mug without making new holes, or taking away the one hole. Topologists (mathematicians who study shape and form) are: a) way smarter than I am; b) think weird as fuck. Anyhoo…

    The original thing was (obviously) a math-nerd joke. It’s not clear if numbers are eternal fixed truths (from God, if you think that way) or a mental construct created by humans. But we are able to derive (or construct) numbers if we assume (take on faith) that certain statements are true. These are then called axioms. The game is to “create mathematics” using as few axioms as possible. This Italian guy called Peano came up with 5 axioms that “construct” the natural numbers (1, 2, 3, and so forth; I’m not clear if zero is also a natural number. But probably.) From natural numbers you can derive fractions. You can also conceive of NEGATIVE numbers (and fractions). This gives you a NUMBER LINE, a 1-dimensional space where you can go left or right. (I forget how you get irrational numbers, like pi or e; it’s been over 30y since I last did this, but the number line has an infinite number of gaps if you don’t have irrational numbers.) Call the 1D number line the “x axis”. Now imagine another, perpendicular axis. Call it “y” and that’s where the “imaginary” numbers go up or down. This gives you a PLANE, where any location in the 2D space can be specified as (x,y). But our notation is -3.3, +27i. Meaning 3.3 units negative (left) on the x axis and 27 units positive (up) on the y (“imaginary”) axis. That’s the “complex field” in the joke. (And electrical engineers use “j” instead of “i” to denote imaginary numbers because in the EE world eny dam fule know that i stands for current. Duh.)

    You’re welcome. This is MC, autistically beating jokes to death for over 60 years, signing off.

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