Fuck You, Inslee

The Commie bastard signed a bill into law last March outlawing gun magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

It goes into effect June 8th.

If you have them in hand before that date they are Grandfathered in.

If you live in Washington State, then I very strongly suggest that you get with the program and stockpile as many magazines as you can afford and do it TODAY.

Most outfits will have them shipped to you before that June 8th deadline. After that, we are shit out of luck unless you want to go out of state and bring them back. Make sure all the lights on your vehicle work if you do, I’m just sayin’.

Because I was reminded of this I now have 16 more coming. Six 40 rounders and Ten 30 rounders.

I don’t even know how many I have total anymore but it’s going to have to be enough.

Don’t forget The Freedom Seeds that go in them either.

There’s 1,000 of those headed my way too.

Because Fuck You, That’s Why, Inslee.

Fuckin’ Commie Cunt.

35 thoughts on “Fuck You, Inslee

  1. Played this game back when I still had my FFL in Kalifornia.

    Seeing as how magazines have no serial numbers, sorting a pile of random mags into “legal” and “contraband” will prove problematic.

    Doing a quick scan, I see no provision in the bill for the replacement of grandfathered mags that become damaged beyond repair. At least we had that (back then) in Kalifornia. You could still order mag parts, but only use them to repair or replace a grandfathered mag. I did a booming business in mag repair kits that contained a mag body, spring, floorplate, and follower.

  2. check out the stainless steel mags by duramag.
    recoil gunworks has them for under 12 bucks.
    they last a lot longer than pmags do.
    I have had a few pmags crack at the feed lips just from dropping them.
    and everyone of them have worked just fine for me so far.
    magpul do make some great stuff, I just not that impressed with some of the pmags
    though. but then again, I am a old fart as I don’t like plastic guns much.
    I do have some pmags around though, just use them for the range, if at all.
    truth be told, I only used the sr-25 mags. never tried the ones for 5.56

  3. BUSTEDNUCKLES READERS, don’t TL:DR this as just a windbag rant, it’s intended in your best interest, listen to Phil and spend the money now. Buy magazines, bulk ammo and any guns (and consumable parts) that you can safely store. Do Not Put It Off, for any other purpose, DO IT NOW! Do not try to reason this out if the missus, girlfriend or skinny wallet says that you just can’t afford it, screw that. Just buy the gear now, don’t worry about the money: with Bidenflation it will not buy you anything worth having in a short time anyway, but you’ll have appreciating assets made out of unobtanium. Screw the kid’s college fund, is a worthless degree that costs tens of thousand$ better than their freedom in hand? Store gear for ready use if you’re a recreational target shooter, but make it look cool, not like a would-be Rambo. The rest gets salted away in more than one secure storage location. Then: OpSec is tops, don’t talk about it to your range buddies, your workmates, any drinking friends, your neighbours, never joke about the subject with any of them. Such details can find their way to the Stasi, especially if selling you out is promised as a get-out-of-gaol-free card to them by cops, if such people do find themselves in trouble for their own lack of security. People will do that to you, former or current cop readers here will agree there. Again with OpSec: after you went to the trouble to legally obtain guns, parts and ammo, secured them against thieves, the Stasi, and the elements, it’d be pretty dumb if a resentful child, spouse, or some fool you antagonised, decided to get even by tipping to the cops that you’re a potential free-thinking individual. It may not result in a Swatting raid right then (but you’ll be on the news, in a body bag or cuffs), they may just snoop around until they find out your, and your friends’ secrets, then bingo! Be the grey man as much as possible, don’t get into road dumb rage incidents, fight with neighbours, or yell at your spouse, let alone ever strike her. People don’t always think through what can happen when you cause the po-po to start sniffing around you, that angry/jealous wife may inadvertently cause her husband’s death or gaoling. Freedom isn’t a part-time effort, just because you voted MAGA, and put away a gun, your specified and enumerated rights under your constitution won’t stop a thug in a SWAT, or an ANTIFA, outfit from shredding either it or you. Remember that the police are not your friends, do not talk to them or come to their attention for any reason. And that cop friend in your gun club, the one who always talks about being on the good citizen’s side against all the bad guys, ask him if any of your god-given rights are more important to him than his pension/superannuation. You’re a fool if you rely on a ‘public servant’ to go against any order that his/her paymaster issues, despite a lack of legality or morality. Think about it, why the hell would they? Although unicorns (honest cops) do exist, you can’t, and must not, rely on them respecting the constitution and your rights. Everyone of those tens of thousands of gun laws/regulations on the books is already in open conflict with your constitution, i.e. bad law, so don’t rely on being in the right, or on your Rights, they simply won’t be upheld, in the field or in court.

    • Johno, your recommendations are much appreciated, and have already been practiced by this old redneck for some time. Only a fool would ignore the advice of a man who has “been there”.

          • Only if you tuck me in and read me a Aesop fable…. like the Ebola story.

            • Once upon a time in the Land of Fruits and Nuts, there was this great and wise old nurse…..

              • Yeah, that nurse was great (big), and as for wide… errrr wise… the consensus says NO.

                • It was a bedtime story. The beginnings are a regional thing; up north they begin “once upon a time”. Here in the south, they begin “ya’ll ain’t gonna believe this shit”…

    • Damn, your long winded ya babbling Aussie… But, I am touched by your genuine concern for us here.

    • Not discounting your post Johno or Busteds article, however anyone that hasn’t been stocked up since Obozo was in office has not been paying attention.

    • Johno I love your posts, all of them. People he is correct, think about where he lives and what their laws are. When the time comes I hope he is able to take up a shovel, axe, hot poker what have you like Alexander Solzhenitsyn said they wish they would have.

  4. Miss Sandy, it’s a shame that your mum and dad weren’t more randy. Although unlikely to ever occur in the first place, I wish I had a wife like you. Do you have any single sisters or cousins, preferably top-heavy redheads? Hey, how about this: will you be the Bustednuckles Lonely Hearts Club moderator? It’s no use relying on that Cederq to do the job, he can’t even find his own tools. Strewth, imagine if he’d have been a theatre nurse, patients would’ve left the hospital with 10mm sockets rattling around inside them!

    • I was a “theatre” nurse ya twit! And that is what it has devolved to, just theater… and a scam of the biggest proportion, medicine…pfft!

  5. Since when can democrats count to higher than ten?
    Math is racist, so guess what their are proving?
    yep. Democrats are whaaaaaacists.

    • They can’t read either so they are banning books in schools and libraries across the country so their feelings won’t be hurt.

  6. Inslee figures you won’t have the gas to come after him when the time comes.

  7. What do you think they are going after next in WA? Give it a couple of years or maybe just one (more mass shooting) and only ten rounder will be legal in WA, if your lucky.
    But yes, get them while you can.
    NOTE: I do not, have not and never will live in WA.

    • After June 8th ,NEXT MONTH, only ten round magazines are going to be legal to buy.

      • So if I lived in a neighboring state and enter into WA with my carry gun with a 15rnd mag in it, would I be breaking the law?
        There is wording using the word importation in the law.

      • Yeah, I was referring to nothing being grandfathered.
        I guess I rambled a bit.

  8. After one of these events when obozo was threatening to ban standard capacity magazines, I went to Brownells and ordered 20 mags.

    Except I double clutched the 0.

    I’ve got a box of 200 30 & 40 round P-Mags sitting in the apartment.

    • If they ain’t slammed with freedom sleeves you may as well be diddlin the baby’s mama.

    • Rat, watch those forty rounders I had failures to feed but lost it all in a canoe accident on the flooded Illinois river this last week so won’t have that problem any more.

  9. Banning high cap mags is crazy. How do those libtard politicians expect mass a shooter to keep the body count up?

  10. The actual date is July 1 , not Jine 8.

    However, panic buying for all types and wished for future buys is goin on at my house

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