4 thoughts on “From Tacticalhermit, Listen carefully, a black man spells it out

  1. I believe it’s imevitable that it’s gonna happen. Good thing/bad thing? I don’t know but something has got to give.

  2. Well, at least one guy gets it as far as civilians go. As to his contention that .gov could win, I’m skeptical. Cut off their tail, i.e. their logistics, then their mobility and higher powered weapons, they have as hard a time as the civilian force. The civilian force knows their home terrain and will use it to great advantage. I don’t think we need to worry about CW here for at least four years and maybe forever because the goad that was leading us there has been all but destroyed in 7.5 weeks without a shot being fired, so far.

    God help them if they assassinate Trump. All bets will off if that happens. I think they know that and won’t make an attempt again.

  3. consider plz-

    if so mollies (average IQ 60) can wreak havoc on “gov.com”as they did in mow guh dish you…

    stop n imagine what Millions of white career EX mil, n appalachian moonshiners can do to Heckseths Bois. especially as presently constituted.

    i’m jes sayin…


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