

1955 Lincoln Futura


1956 M-100


F-250 Extended Crew Cab

















15 thoughts on “Ford

  1. Genuine question here:
    30 years ago I switched to Toyota because I got tired of being a pedestrian. Jeep, VW, Honda all let me down. Pre-cellphone, small children, etc. My SO’s biggest competitor is toyota, so the only cars we get now are Ford. So far, I have over 200k miles on this explorer, and it’s never given me so much as a hiccup. From mechanic perspective, are Fords really that bad??

    • I’ve never had a problem with Fords. I suppose they’re as good or bad as anything else out there, but the queers driving Jeeps around might have something to say about that (If they have their hearing aids turned up).

  2. #11 Anybody else had a noticeable drop in mail volume the last week or so?

    I live in the swamp about 45 miles from anybody that cares to advertise so that might explain no flyers for grocery stores as they shrink the range of mailings, but no ads or junk mail from anyone?

    I’ve got plenty of firestarting material left, but are they turning the advertising spigot off due to price increases in postage or are they about to lay everybody off?

    Probably some third option, but I need more caffeine.

    • If it’s like anything else the USPS has a hand in, they’re probably getting lost, mis-routed or just plain sitting.
      Since the first of the year, I’ve had just about every package inbound to me get delayed.
      Maybe .gov is gearing up to manipulating the mail-in vote again this November.

      • USPS is in the middle of a reorganisation of it’s nationwide distribution centers “to save money”.
        The increased incompetence seems intentional.

        • My mom sent me a birthday card and and check enclosed. She was afraid of it being stolen so she purchased a USPS brown envelope and paid $12.55 for tracking. The last day it appeared on any system was my birthday back in January.
          She asked me weeks later why I didn’t cash the check. So, after numerous enquirers and no answers I told her to cancel the check. It arrived last Friday in the mail.

  3. Wish i could post photos here. I have a good one of my brand new 97 f-350 with my FILs newly acquired 37 model A pick up.

    • Klaus, at the bottom of the web page is my email name: BustedCederq at gmx.Com Scan and load the pic as an attachment and any info you want on it and I will post it in an Old Truck Tuesday.


  4. #17: How about we also do Mercury Trucks?

    Oh, wait. All that extra chrome was reserved for the Canadian market only. Sorry USA.

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