9 thoughts on “For your pleasure and to piss off the Trekkies…

  1. It’s difficult to credit, but Cederq performed a public service: he actually found another example of just why people should turn their television off, remove the cord from the mains power switch and cut the end of the cord off.
    This way, they’re less likely to fall prey to the bug-eyed monster in the corner, and fall prey to mind-deadening puerile crap like this again. He was using a psychology trick he learned at the funny farm.

    • Bear Claw, you spelled ‘bugger’ wrong (at least that would have been his intent, for one or the other of you).

      • That was afraid my dad used and it will continue to be the phrase I use it could be said in a more colorful way which I have at times. Not a big fan of the British or the British word.

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