For The Haters

This is well said and yes, it touches home quite squarely in my case.

I am also becoming acutely aware that my time is here is limited and will try to keep these words in mind.

8 thoughts on “For The Haters

  1. I believe the reason my shop is always a nightmare is because I am so versatile in the projects I take on. There are always half a dozen DIFFERENT projects in the works that require DIFFERENT tools and materials. And, if new parts or tools are required that means I have to wait on stuff to be shipped and/or purchased. What this means is I may be working off and on on 6 different things and it will take a month or more to accomplish any of them. And this doesn’t include the everyday stuff like sharpening mower blades, changing out brake pads, cleaning guns, etc. My workshop is a “Worker” not a “Looker”.

  2. Having a messy shop means you spend more time building and less time preening.
    I sweep up and things kinda have their place, but I’ve got shit to do and as long as I’m not tripping up on stuff it stays where it lands.
    Back when they had Fine Woodworking print magazines they used to do an annual “shop edition” showing cool shops around the country and all of them were spotless.
    I used to think who the fuck can make money in a shop like that. You’d spend 5 hours working and 35 cleaning. Stupid.

  3. So I had a rule. If I walked back and forth thru the door from one shop area to the other looking for a hex wrench ( 3/16, 7/32, 1/4”) 4 times, I would stop what I was doing, and clean both sides of the shop. Did that one too many times.

    Bought 10 each of all three sizes. Ain’t gonna waste my time on that clean the shop shit.

  4. The problem I have is that of limited space. If I don’t keep things straightened out and organized, I don’t have any room to work.

  5. My problem is I’m lazy. And, that sometimes means that I will spend a DAY (or two!) looking for a particular tool or parts. So, I need to clean more and seek less.

  6. Every one of us walking on this rock has limited time, and we don’t know how much until getting close to the end, be true to who you are.

  7. My old one was both when working on a project all tools and stuff are thrown on the workbench so it stays cluttered on occasion when I have downtime I put everything back where it goes so I can find it the next time

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