34 thoughts on “Flat Earth. Conjecture or Truth? Some think so, compelling theories.

  1. I have yet to meet an flat Earther I dislike. Every one of them has been nothing but courteous and kind when we’ve interacted…unlike those fucking vegans!!

  2. Math is hard. The curvature of the earth is a mere 8″ per mile. Of course you can see the mountains for hundreds of miles. Duh!

    I always ask flat earthers questions like:

    When I travel north, the pole star is higher than when I’m in the south. Why is that when parallax shows the north star to be a very long way away?

    How come long distance sailors use spherical geometry to navigate very accurately assuming the earth is a globe? Are they (many many thousands) all in on the globe conspiracy?

    Why do aircraft flying great circle navigation burn less fuel than those flying constant heading to their destination. Is every pilot (thousands of them) all in on the globe conspiracy? Is the flight management software changed between the manufacturer and the aircraft, or are all the engineers in on it as well?

  3. Hodor is a crank. The evidence for a roughly spherical earth is incontrovertible. The stuff he’s been posting has been debunked repeatedly. Geophysicists and astronomers don’t even both anymore. Hodor’s rubbish is on the order of denying the work of Louis Pasteur.

  4. If they are lying to us about every single thing, Why wouldn’t they lie to us about where we live? There is only two things all the nations agreed upon. propagandizing and injecting their populations and the Antarctic Treaty. What do you think they are hiding?

    • Agree will your posts “wendyworn”. I also feel like as every day progresses we are being locked into an AI matrix that will be hard to get out of/disengage from.

  5. …and they make how much money by perpetuating the flat earth stupidity?

  6. The fact that there are still lots of people who think the world is flat is ample proof that the average IQ of society is dropping… precipitously…every year.

  7. I just believe that questioning the official narrative is always good. It’s at least a good place to start. I’m glad you posed the question Phil.

  8. I don’t have any discussions with Flat Earthers, Moon Landing Conspiracy theorists, nor World Trade Center whackos. It lowers my IQ every time I engaged them.
    Their argument are specious, easily disproved, and ignorant. Why bother?

    Just shove ’em off the end of the Earth and be done with them.

  9. The only proof that the earth is flat is that Neil DeGrasse Tyson has any influence anywhere in the universe.

  10. While I’m not a flat earther, I admire their questioning of something “everyone knows to be true”.
    Since I horked down that red pill, I question everything that “everyone knows”. It makes life harder, and it damn-sure upsets the hell out of people that would rather believe the comfortable lie than know the truth…

  11. I studied Astronomy, Physics, and even Orbitals in college and while I am no Flat Earther I do enjoy a good conspiracy theory. I will say this: The fact that the Moon is the exact size and distance from the earth to give it the exact same apparant magnitude as the Sun in a full eclipse is damn bizzare and highly improbable. Sometimes the strangest things of all are right in front of you and you have not even thought about it.

  12. the fringe element of all things conspiracy are like the scene from ” Monty Python’s Life Of Brian “…….” Follow the sandal…..No, no we must follow the gourd ”

    NASA noted that the moon ” rang” seismic for two hours after the bottom of the lander crashed on the surface.

    Lufthansa removes the anti hijacking software from every 737-757 Boeing because it can be hacked into….just like Sept 11th

  13. I chased ALL those links. I still have a few questions, but I am convinced we are being lied to about EVERYTHING.
    If you believe in the bible, you better re read Genesis 1:7. It’s not some superstitious allegory or misinterpretation, it’s reality.
    Don’t argue with flat earthers, chase the threads passed the immediate links. There is a shit ton of evidence.
    Anybody notice the women’s flowing hair in the 0 gravity plane vs. the hair sprayed hair in the “space station”?
    WHOLE lot of super zoomed vids of stuff on the horizon that shouldn’t be there.
    Want to call me names, go for it, I don’t give a shit what people think. Do more searching outside of your comfort zone/normalcy bias/Overton window. It’s scary.
    Good luck.

  14. Historically there have been all kinds of things that were believed until proven untrue. One of the most famous was Michelangelo being punished by the Catholic Church for proving Earth revolved around the sun, instead of the common belief of the day that the sun revolved around earth.

    All a flat earther has to do is look at the thousands of pictures taken from the moon by every mission that landed there and all of the hundreds of thousands pictures of the “Blue Marble” taken from satellites orbiting at L1 and L2 showing a spherical earth. ‘Course they’ll say that the pics are fake or are taken from the flat plain. So, as far as I’m concerned, they’re all just nuts and should go jump off the edge, if they could ever find it.

    I suppose they’d also say that Wikipedia is in on the scam.

    • I hate to point this out but it was Nicholaus Copernicus, a Polish astronomer, who first proved this. I believe he was excommunicated by the Catholic Church for disproving the earlier belief that the sun revolved around the Earth.

    • I also hate to point out to you that there are no, none, zero pictures of earth from the moon or space. They are images you’ve looking at. And NASA freely admits that. But don’t bother to look into that either.

  15. All they had to say is Corvallis, OR. Some of the most dimwitted people I’ve ever lived around. On par w/ those inside the Beltway. Just ignore it.

    • Again, I’m not a Flat Earther but their theory is that Antarctica is actually an ice wall around the edge of the world. That seems hilariously easy to test.

    • No edges, man. It’s infinite… Like Spinal Taps amplifiers but, you know,… ALL more.

  16. What a great round of comments. I am on a rabbit hunt. Just another lie being perpetrated.

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