Expect Things To Ramp Up

Between now and November, the Demoncrats have a two fold mission statement.

Screw around fudging numbers and fiddling with Feel Good projects to keep their base and the easily fooled happy and finishing the job of destroying what they can to finish this country.

Currently they are quite busy doing both.

On the one hand, they are scared shitless of what so far appears to be an inevitable complete Trump blowout.

On the other hand, you can take it to the bank that they have some serious shenanigans in store for the election.

In the mean time the process of completely turning this nation into a Communist state appears to be accelerating.

One thing I can guarantee you at this point, we are all living in a time period that will be studied and talked about for hundreds of years.

11 thoughts on “Expect Things To Ramp Up

  1. When Trump wins, watch them send their antifa attack puppies out for some fun and frivolity.
    Then, the cull will begin.

  2. Whichever loses the election is not going to accept the results. There is no way out of chaos this time around.

  3. Agree with Mikey. Whether they kick shit off before the elections or after the elections is unknown right now.
    There will be bloodshed, either this Summer, or next.

    • yeah. the “left” will go insane when Trump wins.
      now, the question is how bad will it get ? well, figure it going to get real bad. the money cards for the illegals will dry up- they go stealing
      and killing for “their fair share”, yeah. right.
      figure it will be riots in the cities for sure. some might spill over in the burbs. depends on the city or how blue it is and how many illegals and college morons are in it. chances are they will kick off after they “lose” the election. that way they can blame it all on Trump.
      I not sure we even going to have a election this year. the left has never given up power without a fight. so, maybe riots this summer
      and illegals going broke making crime go thru the roof and the morons demand martial law so the clowns in Gov’t can “fix” it ?
      have no idea what they going to pull or try to stay in power.
      but they will try something. you can plan on that for sure.

  4. “we are all living in a time period that will be studied and talked about for hundreds of years.”

    Not to be a wet blanket, however if the USA goes full commie, who is going to be studying and talking about it? In “1984” Big Brother didn’t allow discussion of anything except approved topics and they listened to citizen conversations in their homes through their TV’s. Does anyone think they won’t or aren’t already doing the same with today’s smart devices; TV’s, phones, Alexa, Siri?

    Just because there’s no “official” Ministry of Truth doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Just look at what Musk exposed about the collusion between the Eff Bee Eye and Twitter during the 2020 election and Covid and what Facefook did to swing the election in several states with $200M of his own money.

    As Seabiscuit says TINVOWOOT. It’s gonna be a two way range.

  5. Don’t forget Glitch McConnell & his band of Republicucks.

    Remember what Sam Giancana said, “Ther are no black hats or white hats. That’s just something for saps to belive in, they all do business together.”

  6. I think they’re bound and determined to start WWIII so the election can be avoided at all costs. They’ve proven they don’t care one iota about the country and I’ll bet they already have their bunkers wells stocked.

  7. The same things will happen no matter who’s selected to win. Bread And circuses come with looting the treasury

  8. I actually think they might let him win if only to let the masses think the system still works, that your voting still matters and counts for something. We are multiple generations into this steal and unfortunately very near the endgame too. There’s your black pill for the day.

  9. No matter this plays out, the mighty shit storm is coming. I’d like to think the Lord parachuted me into this time for just such an occasion, for the sport of it all. Grab your wallet folks, it’s going to get gamey.

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