EUSTACE MULLINS THE NEW WORLD ORDER FULL LENGTH. Sent by Johno, he sent a eye opener. Watch it with an open mind, an hour long, worth it in my opinion.

This a 30 year old video… hmmm.

8 thoughts on “EUSTACE MULLINS THE NEW WORLD ORDER FULL LENGTH. Sent by Johno, he sent a eye opener. Watch it with an open mind, an hour long, worth it in my opinion.

  1. Eustace Mullins was painted by the media even back 30 years ago as a white supremacist and anti-semite which just goes to show us how long this game has been going on .

  2. As he said, if they could get on the corporate media with this information for a half hour, there would be a revolt. That will never happen. Then along came the internet, sold to us as a way to exchange free thought and ideas. This is the reason why the tech giants now are banning anything that contradicts the narrative that is still being pumped out by the corporate government infiltrated media. Now to get anything near the truth there’s the alternative media and this is the reason why only a few weeks back getting control of the internet was a big topic of discussion at the UN. Johno’s WEF’er horse face neighbor made a very nice speech about that.

    Good find, Johno. Although a part of me thinks you got some enjoyment out of rubbing our faces in it. See, I’m on to how that twisted mind of yours works.

    • I found it at the Chief Nosewetter’s site: It Ain’t Holy Water. It’s a good source for nuggets of information about world history, like this, as well as comedy gems on Democrats and their controllers.
      As for a twisted mind, you could look into the mirror! If you pay attention, I said World history, not just the US. One particular family, their clan, and supporters (i.e. politicians and bureaucrats posing as government) have preyed on mankind almost as a parasite on it’s host for millennia.

      Truly, I wonder if they are the germ of the folk legend of vampirism, prevalent among Central and Eastern European peoples. Was the legend trying to warn us of these faceless bloodsuckers that lessen humanity, sapping our endeavours and contributing nothing in return, except taxes and usury interest for us to pay.
      Am I being rather generalised in comment? You bet, I don’t want to see Phil deplatformed, just because I spoke the truth. Don’t forget, despite borders, our countries and peoples all face the same enemy: the great uniparty of Communism/Fascism/Socialism that all benefits the red shield, and it alone.

  3. I saw this earlier today, watched the whole thing.
    There were odd newsletters back in the mid 90’s along this lines.
    Made sense then, common knowledge kinda thing now.
    He mentioned that with the opening up of channels of information exploding with the internet.

    They were not scared then, I think they are scared now. They have lost control of information for the first time in history, at least since the printing press anyway.

    • The weren’t scared then and they’re even less scared nowadays.
      We’ve had how many years of internet and social media to expose the machinations of these evil people, to wake the good folks up and to finally wipe out this pestilence?
      They’re still very much here won’t you agree?

  4. This seems like utter nonsense except none of it is contradictory to the patterns of behavior we see. I have a book on the history of debt, forgetting the title, but in Roman times parents would get in debt and have to sell their kids. People have no sense of debt. France spent 5X their GDP to assist the fledgling United States in its war against England. How does that make sense? Bottom line, if you have money to lend in short order you own people. Has always been the case.

    School books in the 1970’s stated that technology would lead to productivity and fewer number of hours a week needed at work, yet it has increased. Where is all that extra productivity and profit going? Why so much money in foreign aid with so little return on our investment? He does seem right about the war on the middle class, serfs only please.

    I’m not convinced he’s right but I haven’t heard a better explanation. I will say our uniparty (Democrat/Republican/Communist/Socialist) and the central bank (printer of fake money) are leading us down the path to hell. Specie is really the only way, and keep the government out of the monetary system. I believe debt should be against the law (I’m debt free, but I watch what it does to people around me and what it has done historically)

  5. Yep, I was clueless back then. Even had I watched the video I would have brushed it off. I was in my early to mid twenties then, had something better on my mind.

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