7 thoughts on “Don’t mess with the dog.

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  2. If the German Shepherd don’t get ya, then the Dobie will. You can run, but you’ll only die tired.

  3. yeah. I do miss my old dog Slim. a roadie ridgeback. all 110 pounds of muscle and bone. he was great with kids. they did stuff to him that scared me to death.
    and all he did in return was lick their face until they stop whatever they where doing to him. he was damn quick too. he killed a few coons before I even knew it.
    like one hit and they where dead. the UPS guys and girls loved his ass too.
    I remember 2 times he went after people. once back in philly there was some asshole behind the gate in the ally. he wanted out and I opened the back door and he was GONE. the asshole just made it over the gate by the time slim got there.
    and it was 50 feet from the back door to the gate. the fucker looked like he pissed himself too. the other asshole was talking shit to the wife and Slim came out of nowhere to scare that shithead off. she told him to sit and he did. SLIM did anything she asked him too. me, not so much. anyway, he was a damn good dog and we miss the hell out of him. couldn’t have asked for a better watchdog really.
    just last month, my neighbors grand daughter came over top see/play with SLIM
    she got upset when we told her he went over the rainbow bridge.
    the problem with good dog is they tend to die long before you want them too.
    and you end judging the next dog by the old good one. which is not fair to the new dog really. all dogs are great, but the outstanding ones make you cry afterwards.

    • The price of a good dog is a broken heart, but I’ll break my heart all day long for a good dog.

        • well, Slim was NOT big on barking. but he did watch everything. weird, how he could be sleeping and leap
          into action in a half a second. and he was stupid about snow. we had to drag his frozen and shaking ass in.
          he flop in front of the wood stove to warm up and when that was done. want to go out and play in the snow some more ? and too smart for his own good too.
          wife looks online for another one just like him almost
          every day too. I not so sure we could find one to replace him.

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