6 thoughts on “Don’t Mess With Old Farmers

  1. Had an eight pound rooster that would eat out of my hand and I could pick him up and carry him around. Every once in a while, he would nail the back of my leg. Guess I shouldn’t have named him Big Bad Bill.

  2. When I was a kid we had a white leghorn named Henry, and I booted him numerous times when he would attack for no reason. My little sister was terrified of him.

  3. We had a white leghorn that wanted to fight everybody that collected eggs. One day we were filling the freezer up and needed one more bird. Mom and Dad were inside. My older brothers made the decision that whitey was the correct candidate. At six I was just a spectator but I heartily approved of that white bastard getting eaten! He was straight up mean.

  4. We had a rooster here on the farm that would chase my brother and me when we were small. One day the rooster decided to chase Dad. Mom made pan fried rooster for supper. He was delicious.

  5. I would gather the eggs, check feed, and water as my last chore before cleaning up for breakfast every morning. I had a pair of overalls that had a button on leather leggings that were called “briar britches” that I wore to the barn and chicken yard because I had been spurred by the rooster and had been bitten by a hog in the past. The rooster would just bounce off my leg when he attacked.

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