5 thoughts on “Damn straight it isn’t by accident, FJB & KH.

  1. yup. if you have not figured this out yet, they want us dead, save some for working the machines and taking care of crops and critters.
    they want to see us beg for food. or heat, or healthcare.
    they want to RULE over us. like kings of old, where THEIR word or gesture means the power of life or death over us. I.E. they are bullies.
    best way to deal with a bully is to punch their face in.
    it also why J6 means so much to them. they where scared shitless.
    in their mind, the people where coming after THEM !
    hate to burst this idea of theirs, but they haven’t seen anything yet.
    every time I get gas, I see more and more people PISSED at the prices on the pumps. used to be, you would see a few biden/harris stickers on cars. not so much anymore as the owners are scared of someone taking their anger out on them. (penn state nearby )
    it like the death by a thousand cuts. all designed to make us easier to control.
    to have us beg for help from our so called leaders.
    it also why they want gun control. not to stop crime as they don’t care about that shit. it’s us they don’t want having any guns. they look at the land of OZ and want the same thing here. ruling without fear from the people.
    if they where honest about gun control, they go after the gangs and illegals with guns. but they don’t. they want our guns.

  2. “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” FDR, the biggest commie of em all.

  3. Watching the outcomes of the Brilliant decisions, every trade agreement, where Our best and brightest got played, the most important decisions, every single Time, screwing America, it’s obvious that if they were just stupid, once in a while they would Do Something that didn’t screw America. A casual observer would have to conclude, it’s Intentional.

  4. Biden’s apparent incompetence is really a cover for malfeasance

    • Biden is a meat sock. The quintessential puppet. He is behind NONE of what is happening. He merely signs on the dotted line like he’s told too. As long as he gets a fresh pair of depends, a pudding pop and an 8 year old to grope he doesn’t care what his handlers do.

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