16 thoughts on “Covid Relief Funds Fraud Now Estimated At ONE TRILLION DOLLARS

  1. That is how government works now. Lose an enormous amount of money and not have to account for it on the books. But, because that money bloated your agency, department, NGO, company, you increase your budget request for next fiscal year. Oh, don’t forget to tip the big guy. He gets angry if you don’t…

    • Don’t forget that nearly half of that money was approved in March 2020. I’m sure the Orange One got his cut.

      • I’m sure you’re aware that, “The President proposes, Congress disposes” – if you want me to put it in simpler terms you can understand, let me know. I’ll use fewer syllable words and speak slowly.

        • Slow and simple describes you very well, Forrest.

          That proposal came from Congress. Trump jumped on it when he saw a political benefit.

          You might remember he spent tens of millions of dollars just to send everyone a letter with his signature to tell us he was sending us money.


  2. The ENTIRE THING was nothing more than a power play and wealth transfer (when it wasn’t just blatant GENOCIDE).

  3. That face makes me think more, “hey, they know it was me” than, “oh, wow, how unexpected”.

  4. It also says a lot about the morals of Americans that so many people chose to rip off the system. But then a number of American fortunes began by ripping off the government – DuPont during the Civil War and Senator Scott of Florida for example. Before he became Senator, Rick Scott managed the biggest Medicare fraud to date, over $1 billion.

  5. A trillion here a trillion there, pretty soon you’re talkin real money, printed out of thin air.

  6. Ha! The Pentagon has recently failed its fifth or sixth audit, whaddaya suppose that amounts to? Planned failures, no consequences and they’ll get plenty more.

    Let’s see your shocked face now.

  7. The feds knew ahead of time that this would happen.
    Not only did they not care, they approved of it.
    They shut down stores, put people out of work. They knew that the people would see right through the China Wuhan Virus scam IF PEOPLE WERE HOMELESS AND STARVING.
    They put out some bread and circuses and the blind people went through life, fat drunk and stupid.

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