17 thoughts on “Chihuahuas, because I can…

  1. My late father referred to those as “shit eaters” and after nearly 70 trips around the sun, I’ve come to believe he was being overly kind.

  2. I know Guido knows he did it, he knows I know he did it, he knows I know he is not ashamed of it.

  3. Pingback: Rule 5 Friday Linkfest - The DaleyGator

  4. I was never fond of small dogs. My wife bought a chihuahua years ago. Sweetest, smartest dog we ever had. Cheerful, eager to please, very easy to train and she knew all kinds of verbal commands. If one of the other dogs (which included a weimaraner, a ridgeback, and a few GSD’s and Dobies over the years) crossed her, she’d grab onto a jowl and hang there until they got the message.. She loved play time and she was always a joy. And as every chihuahua owner knows, they don’t like strangers, will not let strangers touch them, and they will not allow a stranger to be near the person with whom they are bonded. Eventually she went blind and started having seizures and finally we had to put her down. We miss her quite a bit.

  5. I’ll be posting the SWAT meme on Fuck-Book later.
    One of my cousins wore a badge for a few years 40-some years ago and he thinks he’s still a cop, so it’s fun to rattle his chain.

  6. I wonder what a cross between a chihuahua and a basset hound would look like?

  7. Friends had little dog eat up with the bad ass. The local cops out exercising k9s. (They lived on the edge of a canyon) Little dog said “fuck that” and attacked. Big dogs killed the shit out of big-mouthed runt. FAFO for sure.

  8. Had a house guest with a Chihuahua. Devil dog kept attacking my big ol family dog. Solved it by holding devil dog on my lap on its back. Put lump of peanut butter on neck and call big ol family dog over for a snack.

    It takes the starch out but needs repeating occasionally.

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