Heil dem König Jesus!

Hail King Jesus, in German.

Why am I posting this?

It seems the DHS and the BiDEN administration have decided that Christians, Conservatives and Republicans are terrorists just like Nazis.

Apparently BiDEN singling out the MAGA crowd as Enemies of the State didn’t go far enough.

Ya know, I vaguely remember hearing something about this country being founded on Judeo-Christian Values at some point in the past.

I also want to say I remember hearing that there were an actual shit load of Christians in this country at one point.

More than a few Conservatives and Republicans too.

I also want to say that I remember hearing something about Christians being persecuted in the End Times too.

Can’t say for sure, it was about fifty years ago if I recall.

Somehow BiDEN and the Deep State seem to think they can “OTHER” about 40% of the population in this country without any blowback.

Actually, we all know it isn’t BiDEN at all but some Jug Eared Gay Muslim behind all this bullshit.

Something about Fundamental Transformation.

The way I see it, this could be the biggest case of Fuck Around and Find Out anybody has seen in a very long time.

Something else I remember hearing about in this country was this large area they called The Bible Belt.

You may have heard of these people.

Bitter Clingers, God and Guns, you know, The Thing.

Something I DO NOT recall ever hearing about in this country is anything even remotely being referred to as a Muslim Belt.

Although from what I hear, they have pretty much taken over some upper mid west state that used to be famous for building cars and machinery in the middle of the last century.

If Obama, Biden, the DHS,FBI,CIA and any other government agencies ever want to get into a serious ass kicking contest I strongly suggest heading down South and start talking shit.

It won’t be long until they find what they are looking for.

That’s just the Red Necks, in about 1/3 of the whole country.

Maybe these wannabe Over Lords need a small reminder of just how much real estate who they really represent actually control.

That would be the splotchy blue areas on this map.

Less than 10% of the total land mass this country has.

Keep flapping your gums ya fucking derelict.

Laying It Down Iconically

You gotta be a certain age to ride this ride kids.

That makes me wonder how many people alive today have even ever heard of Frank Marino?

Some may, here he is then and now.

I stumbled on this video while doing some Youtube Surfing and was blown away all over again by this guy.

He was heavily influenced by Jimmy Hendrix and this is his rendition of Voodoo Child.

The owner of the video has banned reproduction of it but this is good enough that you need to click through and watch it.

Give the video a couple minutes for the camera guy to get his head out of his ass and then prepare to get BLASTED IN THE FACE the way only Frank can do it.

I Pray There Are Still Places Like This Around

I remember places like this from my childhood.

Little snippets came rushing back when I watched this.

This is what American used to look like and it was this way for a long time.

Clear into the 70’s I can remember little Mom and Pop markets and stores in neighborhoods all over every county I visited.

Sometimes they were the local neighborhood store and sometimes they were way out in the boonies, serving small communities that were far flung but had at it’s heart, a little Market/ General Store/Gas Station/Post Office that the owners lived behind or on top of.

Miles away from anything else.

They were often the only thing that you could point to as the center piece of a community besides a church and were quite often just a wide spot in the road.

If you had this in your childhood, you were lucky.

Surfing Inside The Donut

Went and had an MRI done this morning on my lower back so they can see exactly what is getting pinched off and where.


I heard lots of stories about people freaking out over the ordeal.

It makes all kinds of noises but being a mechanic and a Heavy Metal fan I actually found them to be almost melodic and like individual pieces of a Heavy Metal/ Industrial Grunge type song.

I almost fell asleep inside the thing.

I swear the thing reminded me of the Vacuum Heat Treat Ovens at the joint I used to work at.

I used to have to climb inside a pipe about the same diameter and drill out broken bolts and shit.

So Claustrophobia ain’t a thing with me in the first place.

I’m just very seriously hoping they can put a finger on the sections of my lower back that are pinching the nerves causing me all the misery I have lived with the last 40 years and either tell me YES they can fix it or NO they can’t so I can make the decision to fucking retire and be done with it.

So very conveniently, my lower back has been out for three days already so maybe that will help them see what’s messed up.

It has gotten more and more unstable here lately so I have to be super careful about the things I do.

I still don’t know what options I have with the blocked arteries in my legs either, there are still appointments, procedures and Consultations with the Cardiologist yet to be done and that, more than my back, is going to be driving whether or not I throw in the towel.

If they can’t fix my legs then I am all done wrenching and pretty much anything else for that matter.

For now I wait.

It will be at least 24 hours before I see anything on the MY CHART thing under TEST RESULTS.

Then another week before I see my Doc so she can dumb down the results into some form of English so that I can figure out what they are seeing.

I like pictures. Then I don’t need the interpretations so much.

You Are Not Prepared For This Invasion (Updated)

There seems to be a trend of lots and lots of people heading North from the South.

This is where the Californians are going.

Here is where the Illegals are heading according to their Free phone tracking info.

In case you aren’t aware, the U.S./Canadian border is pretty much WIDE OPEN except for the most popular entry/exit points.

Now the Canadians have pretty much been ass raped by their Government who is damn near openly Communist at this point and it is only getting worse by the day seemingly.

I’m no GeoPolitical/Migration Trend expert and I haven’t slept in a Motel 6 for quite a while but I have been around a while and do have a very diverse interest in a lot of different things.

I don’t think it’s going to take an expert to figure out what is going to happen long term with this trend of Mass Migration from the South to the North.

It’s not like there is some magic line that separates the countries on the continent except on paper and at a few selected sites they like to call Border Check Points.

Nope, pressure always tries to equalize.

Squeeze from the South and look what happens at the North end.

Despite the obvious political reasons why our Southern Border is WIDE OPEN, I would like to point out that it’s not like we don’t have the room.

This is a big country with lots of Wide Open spaces.

Plenty of Real Estate as it were.

It’s the freaking INFRASTUCTURE that can support modern human life that we don’t have.

And there lies the rub.

More and more people are going to struggling over less and less available resources that support modern life.

The problem I see is that the people who were born and raised in the United States take those resources for granted because they have always been there.

The people coming here by the millions haven’t always had things like running hot water at the flip of a handle.

Therefore, they will be more than happy to do whatever it takes to obtain and retain that while most Americans couldn’t even tell you where it comes from.

The people coming here are dirty, disease ridden and are used to living in brutal environments.

Brutal as in Kill Or Be Killed kind of environments.

Most Americans can’t even begin to imagine the conditions these people live with every day.

That’s why Americans are about to get the lesson of a Lifetime.

If you think the Inner City Crime is bad now, you haven’t see anything yet.

What I am talking about is the level of violence and the butchery that the Mexican Cartels have been using for years showing up on Americans news casts here very, very shortly.

The kind of thing Google Image Search censors so badly that they will not show any of.

People literally butcherd like sheep and left to rot as a message not to fuck with the wrong people.

Imagine these are human heads instead of sheep heads and you will get an idea of what has been going on South of the border.

I am not joking and those kinds of images are very conveniently and absolutely censored so that you are kept nice and unaware of the real world out there.

This, is what Joe Freaking Biden with Barak Obama’s hand up his ass is allowing to happen here.

You are at war whether you know it or not and you had better harden up Nancy because there is unimaginable horror coming to the town you live in and it’s on it’s way RIGHT NOW.

Remember, the Gun Grabbers want you to be completely unarmed and defenseless against these invading forces.

You do not have enough ammo and you are not prepared for invading forces with zero moral restrictions.

You may need a few new shovels also.

The Law of the Jungle is going to be the New Normal.

UPDTE, Here’s a video my friend Irish sent me so you can see what scumbags our so called Border Patrol officials are. They are the ones calling the shots here.