Speak Loud And Be Not Afraid

Remember “Free Speech Zones”?

I have one of those.

It’s wherever I happen to be standing at the moment.

We have seen many strong Patriot voices silenced over the last few years, some quite recently, because the lickspittle lackeys who control certain platforms are trying to curry favor with the Commie bastards who currently have their greasy mitts on the levers of power.

Get the fuck back up, dust yourselves off and get back in the fight dammit.

Now is the time to stand up and tell them all,


We are Americans and we are tired of your shit.

It may not seem like it but these shit weasels have had to reassess their plan of attack SEVERAL times already because we refuse to roll over for the motherfuckers.

Keep standing up to them and keep doing what we do best.

The Food Coma Is Imminent

My next to oldest boy took me, his kid and my other son out to lunch at a really nice Mexican food joint over in the mall. When we came out it was just pouring rain so any other plans we had are pretty much shot.

The food was off the charts good and I ate way too much. On the way home with the heater running full blast in the truck, the drowzy started in about a mile from home.

I am going to put my feet up, turn on some tunes, browse the usual haunts and fall asleep very gently.

I hope everyone else is having a great Father’s Day also.

Good night.

Father’s Day 2023

Happy Father’s Day to all you miserable sonsabitches out there, I hope your families have had the good sense to spoil you just a bit in some way today.

It’s the least they can do.

I don’t need to go into the reasons why they should be doing that, we all have that little list in the back of our minds that keeps track of all the shit we do day in and day out even if we don’t acknowledge it.

It’s a long list too.

Take the day off.

Spoil yourself a little today, even if it’s just by sitting on your ass and taking a nap at some point today.

It’s the least you can do for yourself.

It starts all over again in the morning and there will be scant appreciation for your efforts for another year.

We don’t mind that, we do what we gotta do and we do it every damn day, without looking for Atta Boys or approval.

It’s who we are.

And if we are lucky, like I know I am, we get to see our children grow up to be good people who work hard and take care of business all on their own, knowing full well that you had a big part in making that happen.

Absolutely Nailed It

I found this on an anonymous image board so I have no idea who to give credit to but whoever you are, you are, A Real Man Of Genius.


Update, while showing it to The Wifely Unit, I had the screen turned and caught the C3PMEME logo up in the top right corner.

So We Can All Be Fully Cognizant Before It Kills Us?

This is the kind of thing people were hoping AI could do to improve our lives.

AI discovers drugs to combat age-related health issues like Alzheimer’s

Software combed through 4,300 chemical compounds and zeroed in on three that could target faulty cells


UPDATED: 18:12 EDT, 14 June 2023

Artificial intelligence technology helped researchers identify a trio of chemicals that target faulty cells linked to age-related health issues, including certain cancers and Alzheimer’s disease.

The algorithm comb through a library of more than 4,300 chemical compounds and identified 21 drug candidates that could prompt cell senescence.

This is a phenomenon in which faulty cells stop multiplying but do not die off as they should and continue to release chemicals that can trigger inflammation.

Of those 21 candidates, the scientists zeroed in on three compounds – ginkgetin, oleandrin, and periplocin – which were able to remove defective cells without harming healthy ones when tested on human cells.

AI is increasingly becoming a fixture in medical and scientific research, able to sift through mountains of dense data far faster than a human ever could to aid in the diagnosis of and treatment for diseases.