How Do You Defend Against These Things?

Sparrow sized Kamikaze mini drones that are autonomous, run by AI and have a 3 gram shaped charge to blow your brains out. We knew this was coming. It’s here now.

You could be sitting at a light with the window down and one of these could Kamikaze right into the side of your head before your brain registered the noise coming.

Welcome to the 21st century.

Pretty Accurate Actually

I get this bigly.

Even though I am technically a Boomer because I was born in 1960, the actuality of it is, is that I grew up as an OG Gen X’er.

Latchkey kid, my parents split for the 3rd time and for good when I was 8 years old. My Dad got custody of me and my little brother which was unheard of back in those days and for a couple months after my Mom left, I had to take care of not only myself but my 4 year old little brother. Dad went to work, and more of then than not, went to a tavern after work. He tried hiring a couple of ladies to take care of us but they didn’t last long. I had to feed both of us, do the laundry, make sure my little brother took baths, the whole nine yards, until the rest of the family found out what was going on and they arranged to have my Aunt come take care of us.

Shortly after that point the Gen X’ers were starting school and I lived through everything they did, just a bit older and wiser.

So yeah, I can absolutely identify with this.

You Do See What They Are Trying To Pull Again Don’t You?

The WHO, the asshole World Health Association, not the Geezer British Band, has declared Monkeypox as a world wide health concern.

I don’t know who needs to hear this but hey, QUIT FUCKING THE MONKEYS OK?!

Next item,

There have been some strange headlines recently declaring that there is some “UNIDENTIFIED DEADLY VIRUS” making the rounds, somewhere, and we should all hunker back down and start wearing masks again or some bullshit.

I don’t fucking know and I don’t fucking care.

It’s kind of amazing to me that all these “Deadly Virii” seem to be coming around every 4 years. It’s amazing that nobody seems to notice this or wonder why.

So I was on X a minute ago and ran across this,

And I thought to myself, yeah, that is EXACTLY how I feel about all this bullshit.

I’m also thinking that just about everyone who stops by this joint probably thinks exactly the same thing.

These assholes fucked us over hard and now we find out that 90% of their rules were bullshit they pulled out of their asses just to see how far they could push us because they had no fucking idea what they were doing.

Tsk Tsk.

Ya done fucked yourselves in the long run there Sport because now a good portion of the population would rather strangle a health expert with their bare hands before putting a fucking useless mask back on.

I know I would.

Just sayin’.

I Can’t Thank You Enough, You Blew Past My Goal Before I Got Up This Morning!

I was kind of in a hurry this morning but I couldn’t stand the suspense so I popped open the Fundraising page and my jaw dropped open.

The renewal on the hosting for this place is due late next month so I setup the fundraiser last night about 7, Vancouverstan time.

By the time I went to bed we were already half way there.

When I came home yesterday and tried to explain this large expense coming up for the blog The Wifely Unit flipped out. “We can’t afford that!”, and on and on. Lit right up she did.

I can’t blame her. I just dumped $2400 last month, trying to pay off LAST YEARS’s medical bills.

I told her I was well aware of that and I was hoping to get some help from you fine people who stop by and read what we have to say and check out the memes, videos and CederQ’s trains, trucks and camping posts.

She kept on and on telling me not to get my hopes up over and over.

I explained that if it didn’t work out then I would regroup and move back to Blogger if necessary. (SHUDDER)

Imagine my complete shock when I get up just a few hours later and you guy blew it out of the water and kept firing, even after I posted to stop because we were good to go!

I figured a month would be safe enough and here you guys killed it in less that12 hours!!

I was so touched by your outpouring that I ran into a huge dust cloud on my way out the door to go to work and couldn’t see anything for a few minutes.


I am amazed and hugely humbled.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

So to be on the up and up, I want everyone to see what the estimate was here.

Plus Wa Sales tax, of course. (spit)

I do not have a final tally, some folks wanted to do snail mail and I hope that I answered everyone’s queries about doing so. If not, drop a comment and leave your real email in the form and I will get back to you.

Some of you went WAY above and beyond!

Shocked me you did and I thank you very much.

I also want to thank each and every one of you who donated anything at all, no matter how big or how small.

I thank you in my heart every bit as much as anyone because I know that it was a conscious effort on your part to reach out and help the cause.

I appreciate every single one of you. And if you even thought well wishes, I want to thank you. Times are tough and we are all getting our wallets ripped to shreds just trying to stay alive these days.

I am of course having issues with PayPal. I would be shocked not to.

I have been a member for 16 years according to them, with very few problems. Now all of a sudden they want me to scan my drivers license and a picture of my ugly mug to verify my identity before they will release the funds. I tried six times and finally gave up. I went on their site, talked to an AI customer service computer and basically got nothing. I then went back to try again and it magically said I was good to go!

The curse words are still echoing around the room here. Now they say it could be up to 21 days before I can get it cut loose. Back to the AI Asshole. Told it that I have been a member for 16 years and that 21 days was unacceptable.

Beep Beep Boop, maybe it will only be 3 business day then.

More cursing.

We shall see.

I’m not worried. I have a month and I WILL WIN THIS BATTLE!

So don’t worry. One way or another, we will be good to go for another year, AT LEAST.

I don’t have a final total yet but I can safely say that you guys knocked it so far out of the park that I believe you donated enough for TWO YEARS!!

Un, Real.

In less than 12 hours.


I can guarantee you this,

Every penny of this is going to Blog Hosting.

If there is enough for 2 years I’m doing it.

Just as soon as the funds get cut loose out of PayPal Purgatory.

When I get done, I will post the receipt.

Because I really hated having to do it in the first place, I would love to be able to not have to do it again soon.

Two years would be an amazing accomplishment and I’m pretty damn sure I can make that happen one way or another.

Once again,

Thank You, from the bottom of my heart.



@BustednucklesDOT COM.


I am absolutely BLOWN, AWAY, at the response and generosity you guy showed for my plea for help to keep the lights on here.

Amazed, humbled and immensely grateful I am.

I just checked before I head out to work before I put my shoes on so I could add better and my rough estimate says that we reached the goal of $900 while I was still snoozing.

It’s 5’%0 in the morning and I have to haul ass to work now but I wanted to take a minute to say THANK YOU to everyone and to unsticky the post asking for help real quick before I hit the door. More later, I gotta haul ass now.


I Really, REALLY, Hate To Have To Do This

But I have limited options here.

When I moved to this hosted site after The Great Troll Wars, I paid for 2 years of hosting out of my own pocket. As I recall it was over $500 at that time. Those prices have increased greatly and now to host this site for 1 year, the total comes to $837 and change. With WA Tax added, it will come to a little over $900. With all of my medical expenses over the last year and a half, I just can’t afford that anymore.

As much as I really, REALLY, hate doing this, I am asking for donations to keep the lights on. If I can get close enough I will kick what I can to finish it.

If this turns into a spectacular flop, I will let the hosting expire in Mid September and reactivate an older, free hosted Blog on either Blogger or WordPress. Both of which are famous for De-Platforming people they do not like, without warning.

Something I would greatly like to avoid.

Thank you HUGELY for your past, present and future support.

Phil @

Instead of having to go through the pain in the ass of installing a widget, copy/pasting code and installing a PayPal button, I found out that PayPal has a feature that allows you to format a Fundraiser, on their site.

I set that all up so that all you should have to do is CLICK THIS LINK and go from there.

Once again, I really hate having to do this. I know things are tough for everyone, everywhere but if enough folks kick in, I will shut it down when I get enough to reach the goal.

I think what is going to bother me even more than having to stick my hand out, is that I am going to have to Sticky this post at the top of the blog so that every time you come here, my begging will be the first thing that you see, at least until one thing or another happens by Mid September…

But it is what it is.

So on behalf of myself and my buddy CederQ, who without, this place would have folded long ago,

Thank you for your support.