There Are Good Reasons Why I Stayed Away From Doctors For So Many Years

This be one of them.

I had a Doctor for I dunno, fifteen, twenty years?

I liked the guy but I never went to see him unless it was something serious, ya know?

At one point it was 8 years since I had seen him and they had to get into their archives to even find my file.

His office ladies hated my ass.

From what I gathered, nowadays, they want you to “Have a relationship” with your medical providers.


I got news for you people, it’s all I can do to keep “My Relationship” with my freaking WIFE intact on any given day.

You doctor types ain’t got a chance.

So anyways, that guy retired, good on him I say, he was only 5 years older than I am.

Which of course, left me with no “Primary Care Physician”.

So other than the various emergency room visits in the last six years, no doctor.

My brother kept telling me about his, tells me he just loves her, yadda yadda yadda, I should go see her.

He even told her about me and she said she would be glad to take me on.

( newsflash, many professionals have tried and failed honey)

But I finally relented and gave her a call and set up an appointment.

I go see her, I do like her, she is wicked smart, empathetic and gets right with the program.

This is where the meme above comes in.

After ONE VISIT, I walk out of there with prescription for FIVE different pills she wants me to take, every freaking day.

I can barely remember to tie my shoes every morning and you want me to keep track of that?

R U serious?

The second visit, I’m having trouble with some of this crap, especially this Oxycodone shit or whatever they call it. It ain’t the shit that was all in the news for being abused a couple years ago but is kinda like, right below that shit.

It was keeping me up at night, giving me headaches of all things and just generally felt, corrosive, is the best way I can explain it.

Me no likey.

So she got rid of that and went back to Vicodin, which I ain’t a big fan of either but the amount of pain I deal with every freaking day after being on my feet is more than I can stand so whatever, at least it’s something when I need it.

In the mean time, she adjusted a couple of these other prescriptions so now I have this little brown paper bag with about ten different bottles of pills in it that I ain’t taking anymore and five more sitting here next to me, including a prescription for ASPIRIN of all things, that I am somehow supposed to keep track of.

If someone was to put a bottle of flea killer or de-wormer next to all of them I would absolutely throw one of them down along with all the rest of them and not be the wiser for it because I wash them all down with my first cup of coffee in the morning, before I am all the way awake.

Gotta love that shit.


Big Pharma can lick my taint.

It’s Long Past The Point Where The Biden’s Are Making The Bundy’s Look Good

The Biden family and their constant disfunctions are a national embarrasment.

They have no shame, no class and no clue.

81 million votes my aching ass and even if they did have those the buyer’s remorse must be off the charts.

At this point they have turned the Whitehouse into a fucking Sitcom and for me personally, I would rather have something that at least makes me laugh.

What I Paid For Gas Today (Open Thread!)

This was a bit out of town and quite surprising to me, was not the most expensive gas around here,

Notice the Non Ethanol price, $6.59 a gallon.

This is the same place that I posted a picture of the price of Propane last year, $3.99 a gallon. It is still the same price,

I haven’t been grocery shopping with the Wifely Unit for a couple of months because I can’t take that much walking all at once so I have no idea what the price and availability of grocery items are at this point. Ridiculous I’m sure.

I did finally get one of those Crippled Old Fucker Parking Permits that says I can park wherever I want, I’m waiting on the license plates for my truck so I don’t have to mess with that thing you hang off the mirror.

So what are you guys seeing where you are at and what else is going on?

It’s been a while since I did an open thread so please chime in so we can get a good cross section sample.

I Must Be Turning Into A Wuss In My Old Age

I mean really?

Just because we shattered the high temp record today by 3 degrees doesn’t mean I should be hiding in the house with the A/C on does it?

Fuck yes it does.

I got nothing to prove to nobody at this point in my life.

It is currently 96 degrees out, the record for this date was 93.

Al Gore must have a boner.

And yeah yeah, all you poor bastards down in Texas and shit can laugh all you want at us pussies up here in the Pacific North West.

Anything over 95 around here will start killing old folks who don’t have air conditioning.

We ain’t used to that shit.