6 thoughts on “But We Can’t Talk About That

  1. On Canada, deliberate death by medical professionals (MAIDS) is 1.8 times more likely than any fIrearms death in the United States.

  2. I once asked a mental healthcare worker, a psychiatric nurse leading a stop smoking clinic at the VA, whether there were more deaths caused by firearms or automobiles. She incorrectly answered firearms.

    When I pointed out to her that the correct answer was automobiles causing about three times the annual death rate compared to firearms, she didn’t believe me, so I had her look up the two death categories on her phone right there.

    This from a psychiatric nurse at the VA who IMHO should know that statistic as a subset of total firearm deaths, since veterans are committing suicide with firearms on a daily basis.

    Not picking on you or your occupation Kevin. Just pointing out another of the false narratives that abound in our society around firearms as illustrated by the meme.

  3. Comparative health care statistics are all lies, fabricated by ambulance chasing lawyers to get clients.

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