Round Two Is Currently Under Way

Everybody with two functioning brain synapses to rub together needs to stand the fuck up this time and tell these rat fuckers that we ain’t playing their game again.

 Public Elementary School in Wealthy DC Suburb Forcing Third-Grade Children to Wear Masks Again

By Cullen Linebarger Sep. 5, 2023

Montgomery County, Maryland – The mandates and potentially lockdowns are gradually coming back into American life. Children are among the first victims of this travesty.

Conservative radio talk show host Clay Travis posted a letter o X (formerly Twitter) which was sent to all parents at Rosemary Hills Elementary School in Montgomery County, which is a tony DC suburb. The letter, which was from the school’s principal, Rebecca Irwin Kennedy, said that because “3 or more” students had recently tested positive for COVID 19, all third-grade students must mask up for the next ten days.

Moreover, the masks must be N95s despite little evidence such masks (or any for that matter) are actually effective at stopping the spread of the virus.

Despite the absolute fact that N95 masks are worse than useless for stopping virii in any way shape or form.

“The New Variant” and a corresponding and “oh how convenient” Jab are coming very soon.

I can tell you as a fact that the Commie Governor of the State of Washington is already dribbling in his underwear at the prospects of invoking another Emergency for 900 plus days so he can order everything locked down again and the useless face masks being mandated again.

I’m thinking I can’ t be the only one around here this time who is going to tell him to pound sand in his fucking ass over that.

But I for one sure as fuck is going to do just that.

You can shove that “Vaccine” right in your eyeball too.

Aaaaand, He’s Down.

Been sick.

No idea with what.

Started feeling shitty Monday afternoon and had a slight headache.

Then I started feeling queasy so I didn’t eat dinner.

Got up and went to work yesterday and stopped and got a couple of biscuits and gravy.

Two hours later I had to run and find a garbage can because I thought I was gonna puke my guts out but I only retched real hard .Still had the headache too.

I said Fuck This and came home.

Got here, took my shoes off and grabbed a throw blanket, didn’t even take my jacket off.

Kicked back in my recliner and was asleep in minutes.

Slept 4 hours, got up to pee and went to bed. Except for bathroom breaks I slept all day and all night. The alarm woke me up so I called in and went back to sleep again this morning.

Now my lower back aches from sleeping so much and I am weaker than a newborn kitten.

Still don’t feel very good and may just go back to bed again.

I did finally eat a small peanut butter cracker bar.

I do have a package I need to send off but I’m in no rush to do anything.

It’s gonna be up to CederQ to keep the joint open.

Busy Busy

I was out in Phil’s Temple of Tools all day trying to get a little project done that turned into a nightmare.

As usual.

I finally had to abandon the material I was trying to use for it.

I found a piece of Mystery Metal that was in a bucket of crap I scavenged from Old Chuck after he passed away.

It was the closest to the specifications needed that I could find right away.

Turns out it is harder than the hubs of hell.

After struggling with this stuff for days, I was talking to my Friend Irish and he asked me if the stuff was magnetic.

After I discovered it wasn’t, I abandoned the stuff.

Chinesium Mini Lathes No Likey Stainless Steel, period.

No wonder I was having so much trouble.

So I found a hunk of 1 1/2 Aluminium round stock my brain kept telling me I had and spent the whole day redoing what I had already done.

I’m almost done except I had to hit up Amazon for some Needle Dick Bug Fucker Tiny Assed 4 X 40 set screws.

I have the drill bits and the tiny taps thanks to a very generous reader a few years back who sent me several sets of tiny taps and dies I had been looking for.

They go all the way down to 2 X 56.

I have seen Upholstery Needles bigger than that.

I had some tiny set screws also but no 1/8 X 40 tap that was required..

The 4 X 40 tap was pretty close but I stripped the inside of the set screw trying to get it to fit in a test piece, so no dice.

I’m damn glad I decided to test it on some scrap first!

So anyways, The end is in sight.

I’m just waiting for Amazon to show up.

I still have a bunch of work to do on the Big Red Dodge,

The plastic bushings for the wiper transmission arms let go in the dark and pouring rain on the way to work Thursday.

The rest of the plastic bushings showed up early this morning.

That is a Must Do this weekend.

The Pace Of Our Civilization’s Collapse Is Astonishing, What Are Your Thoughts As It Dies In Front Of Our Eyes? (Overdue Open Thread)

One of the things that is amazing to me is the gamble the people in charge of the money supply system are taking. They are deliberately killing the dollar as they have run it as far as it will go before it becomes completely worthless, while thinking that they have it all figured out with this Electronic system they are rolling out. They have all of their eggs in that basket and the handle is loose.

The rest of the world has had enough of being beaten about the head and shoulders with the constant economic warfare that has been going on since Bretton-Woods and now they have just dealt a severe body blow with the addition of six new countries to their alternate BRICS system.

The way I see it, this Digital Dollar scheme is going to be dead before it gets completely unveiled.

There are way too many things that can and will go wrong with it but the number one reason I think it is going to die in it’s crib is the unreliability of the electrical grid and the ability for Billions of people to have reliable access to it.

I have written about it before and I still thing the following graphics say all that needs to be said about it.,

So the entire world is about to get thrown into complete chaos and all of us are doing all we can do just to survive right now before it all comes unglued as it is.

So there is that.

This is an Open Thread post so I strongly encourage anyone who would like to chime in to talk about just about anything that is on their mind. Politics, the economy, crime, survival topics, all y’all have carte blanche and the floor is open.

What’s on your mind?