What She Said

Yeah Fuck ‘Em All.

Same Play Different Day ain’t gonna fly you ignorant Commie fucks.

We The People are right on the ragged edge of coming unglued on your asses already.

Keep pushing the button and see what happens.

It took me 45 minutes to get that video posted here.

I originally found just an image on Twitter here.

That Twitter post had a link to an hour long video I didn’t watch but this was the opening part.

The only way I could copy it was by using my phone to video the video, then it took me 20 minutes of fucking around trying to find a way to send it to my computer using Bluetooth.

That method sent it to Google Pictures which wouldn’t allow me to copy it. I finally figured out a way to download the sonofabitch to my laptop and THEN I was able to post it here.

The shit I go through to entertain you guys sometimes turns out to be frustrating as hell because I’m not a computer geek but as you can plainly see, I am stubborn as hell and find ways around the obstacles.

I felt her message to be sincere and compelling. It is also a message that more and more people are sending these days.

It’s just unfortunate that the dirty fuckers that need to hear it are the ones blindly doubling down in the first place.

FAFO I guess.

Thanks For Your Service

Another pair is done .

I couldn’t tell you how many pairs of work boots I have gone through in the last 43 years but it’s a bunch

This is the first time I have ever worn out the toes down to the steel like that though I’ve seen lot’s of guys who have worn them out to where almost the entire steel toe was exposed.

Screw that.

I didn’t buy that style of boot this time and won’t be ever again.

Too heavy anymore for my fucked up legs and wore out old ass to be packing around.

When You Finally Realize Just How Stupid People Have Really Gotten

Seeing shit like this .

Makes my internal dialog go something like this,

“Are you fucking kidding me?!

This is a full grown adult assed male and this motherfucker can’t grasp the concept of direction.

I had a conversation with Irish about this kind of shit a short while back and the next day it dawned on me that because I am reasonably intelligent, I automatically expect most people I see are too.

This gets disproven multiple times on a daily basis anymore.

Not only are people unintelligent anymore, they are downright fucking stupid.

It’s gotten to the point where I am questioning how they even function in society.

Then I realize that society is already completely fucked up and now I know why.

People are illiterate, ignorant and it is very rapidly approaching the point that there is literally a good chance that civilization will collapse because of it.

They absolutely do not have the most basic knowledge that even children had fifty years ago.

Like where food comes from, how to read, count, or problem solve.

And it’s all been done on purpose.