So I Put This Thing Together Today…

And I am assuming OSHA will be assembling a SWAT TEAM about 90 seconds after I hit publish….

Introducing The Flesh Remover 2000

I bought that 8 inch Horror Fright Bench Grinder a couple weeks ago because the little 6 incher didn’t have enough OOMPH when I was using the wire wheel I put on it.

After I got the new one put together and mounted on a stand I took one of the wheels off and went to mount that 8 inch wire wheel on it.

No love.

I wound up taking the guard off completely because it rubbed so bad and then found out it was wildly out of balance.

So I wound up putting that thing all back together and commenced pondering my navel over the situation.

I got that wire wheel and the adapter from Old Chuck a few years back and it was already mounted on a small GE electric motor but the capacitor was bad so I had to grab the wheel and give it a spin to get the thing going.

I had taken the motor pictured off my old drill press that I gave away and had replaced anyway so it was just laying around. I got the steel from the scrap bins at work, paid good money for it and decided to build a stand, mount the motor and wheel and go to town.

I also have an 8 inch Scotch Brite wheel still in the wrapper that I am going to see if it will fit too.

That would be a handy sumbitch.

This kind of shit is why you will never see a Snowflake step foot in my garage.

We Actually Got To See The Ring Of Fire Eclipse Here In Vancouverstan

Which is nothing short of miraculous..

9 times out of 10 it is socked in and clouded over for these kinds of events..

Which it was again, sort of.

The Wifely Unit has apparently been looking forward to this for months and came out of the bedroom with these.

Gotta love her, the glasses were from our anniversary back in 2017 when we really got to see the Solar Eclipse perfectly over at Edgefield Manor in Troutdale.

It was cloudy here as usual for this time of year but they would clear out enough every couple of minutes and let us get a good look. They actually worked on our favor sometimes as they worked like a filter.

I couldn’t see anything through the glasses except a big yellow spot because I had been trying to see through the clouds and got blasted when they cleared out.

It finally got to the point that the Sun was covered enough that I could see the Ring of Fire plainly with the naked eye.

Of course the camera on my phone wouldn’t catch the effect anywhere near as good as I could see it plain as day and The Wifely Unit could barely see it with the special glasses and looking at it without them was too much.

If you look really hard at that picture you can see the very outer edge is a different color almost all the way around. With the naked eye, I could see it was dark inside that outer edge perfectly.

It was pretty amazing. The daylight turned a weird, shadowy dark when you looked around at things. It’s going to take a few minutes still for that big yellow spot to dissipate out of my vision but hey, at my age, I ain’t too worried about any damage to my eyesight.

I just consider myself lucky that we were able to see it at all.

So that’s two Solar Eclipses we have gotten to see together.

I’m a very lucky guy sometimes.

The Never Ending Psyop

The entire world is getting blasted with propaganda, misinformation and outright lies 24/7 on every media outlet there is right now.

You can’t believe a damn thing you hear or especially, see, right now.

It’s coming from all sides and even from sources not directly affected by the turmoil.

The narrative changes, the supposed evidence being presented changes and things that some people swear are true one minute are proven as completely false two minutes later.

At this point it’s all a sickening display of one upsmanship as to who can come up with the most disgusting and horrifying claim the fastest with the most gory pictures to back up their claims.

I have watched people try and use video clips from years ago as proof of some horrifying shit that is going on right now and get called out for it, yet not even bother being ashamed or removing it.

At this point, until I see something verified and corroborated by multiple sources over the course of a 24 hour period, I’m not believing a God Damned thing I see or hear.

The only thing I know for a fact is that this whole thing over in Israel and Palestine is a giant False Flag.

Jesus himself couldn’t convince me that the Israeli’s were caught completely off guard by the attacks by Hamas the other day right after that treasonous piece of shit FJB gave Iran 6 billion dollars to go play with.

Not a fucking chance their Iron Dome was inoperable, their radar was off, their lookouts were caught flat footed and their intelligence agencies were asleep at the wheel for all that.

Un Fucking Possible.

If anything, the Israeli’s should have been on High Alert for what should have been highly anticipated shenanigans.

This whole scenario stinks to high heaven.