The 1st Amendment has been getting shredded for years now. Trump says he is going to fix that and the ways he is going to do that are exactly what is needed.
A bunch of what has been happening has been government partnering with private businesses to do an End Run around the Constitution to censor Americans.
He just warned all the dirty sonsabitches involved to save their documents and emails so no records can be destroyed.
For some reason this old Ted Nugent tune popped into my head a few minutes ago and it seems appropriate today. I always though this one was way under rated and I hadn’t heard it in a long time.
They had complete control of the media They had complete control of our federal law enforcement agencies They had corrupt politicians, district attorneys and judges They had all the celebrities They paid for influencers They relentless censored us They controlled the voting machines They imported millions of new voters They had unlimited surveillance over everyone They had lobbyists They had BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street They had control of our legal system They had control of public school systems They had control of our universities They had control of our military They had control of homeland security They had control of hundreds of NGOS They had complete control of the financial markets They controlled our regulation agencies They had more money They controlled foreign policy They taxed us to death They flooded our social media with bots and trolls They controlled Big Tech They controlled Google They controlled the talk shows, radio shows, magazines and broadcasting licenses They had the largest corporations on earth behind them They had decades of experience The military industrial complex was behind them They had data centers running prediction models They had all that and they still lost.
To get an excellent grasp on just how badly they cheated in 2020, take a look at this chart.
About fifteen million or so voters disappeared this year.
Their South of the Border Replacements apparently didn’t budge the needle and several truckloads of ballots somehow didn’t get injected in the middle of the night last night.
Somehow Donald Trump was able to overcome all of that last night.
Newsmax projects Donald Trump to win the Presidency.
We got shellacked here in Wa state with a full Commie sweep.
Things are going to get ugly here in the next few years. with a full Commie Governor in one Sideshow Bob Ferguson who was the late crooked AG.
Anti Gun doesn’t begin to describe his pencil necked ass.’
However ,here in this house, we thanked God to see Donald Trump overcome the cheat and be declared President Elect.
The Republicans also managed to keep control of the House and also take control over the Senate, which is HUGE good news.
Heels Up Harris went to bed earlier, read that as passed out drunk. So she has yet to concede the race. There is much speculation if she will at all.
Now the crazy goes off the charts.
The DemonRats are going to completely lose their shit now and the real fuckery is going to start at O:Dark Thirty tomorrow morning.
Be prepared for unhinged bullshit unlike anything we have ever seen in our lifetime before.
If Trump can stay alive and somehow manage to out maneuver whatever the DemonRats throw at him and actually get sworn in next January, we will all breathe a sigh of relief and expect to start seeing him turn this country around very, very, quickly.