Got Popcorn?

I have been enjoying the shit out of watching these Demoncrats eating each other alive here lately and I sincerely suspect the best is yet to come.

Biden refusing to step aside has got to be the best thing to happen to us in 3 very long years.

Having his Brain Fried Kid inside the Whitehouse running interference and trying to call shots is off the charts hilarious and his Elder Abusing, Power Mad wife, “Dr. Jill”, out campaigning for the Brain Dead fucker is just the cherry on top.

Oh yeah, these fucking assholes have set themselves up in a Rock VS Hard Spot situation by being so clever as to run Joe with Heels Up Harris as his running mate so that Obama could have his 3rd term and run the show from behind the scenes.

What To Do, What To Do?

Get rid of Joe the hard way and then have the impossible situation of having Cackles step in as acting President?

The prospects of that have me howling in spasms of laughter.

Everybody and their dog hates that bitch and no one in their right mind wants her anywhere near the position of President but there be rules that have to be followed and they are tying the Demoncrats hands tight.

In the meantime, “Dr. Jill” and Hunter are furiously trying to negotiate one final, massive, payoff to tide them over and agree to take Joe out of the picture in the background.

I very sincerely hope the entire Democratic Party ultimately turns into one giant Circular Firing Squad and shoots each every one of the dirty cocksuckers in the foot before it’s all said and done.

The next few weeks promises to be some of the most entertaining in years.

I can’t think of a larger group of assholes who deserves every bit of self inflicted pain more than those dirty sonsabitches.

Viet Nam Era Stats

When I was a kid the casualty count from Viet Nam was on the news every night.

The numbers out of Chicago from one weekend are worse than some of those.

Chicago shootings: 109 shot, 19 fatally, in citywide holiday weekend gun violence, CPD says

CHICAGO (WLS) — One hundred and nine people were shot, 19 fatally, in gun violence across Chicago from midnight Wednesday to midnight Monday during the extended Fourth of July holiday weekend, police said.

ABC7 Chicago is now streaming 24/7. Click here to watch

CPD Supt. Larry Snelling and Mayor Brandon Johnson both called for accountability for those responsible for the shootings during a press conference on Monday.

“This is a choice. The choice to kill. The choice to kill women, the choice to kill children, the choice to kill the elderly. These are choices that the offenders made and they calculated,” Johnson said. “We are holding every single individual accountable for the pain and from the torment that they have caused in this city.”

This from one city in a state with some of the strictest gun control laws in the country.

The sad part is that there are no solutions being proffered other than more gun control.

Some people just never learn.

H/T to Brad in IL.

A Brilliant Idea That Needs To Spread Across The Country

A vending machine that sells ammunition, in a grocery store.

City officials said Tuesday that an ammunition vending machine powered by artificial intelligence selling bullets in a Tuscaloosa grocery store is both real and legal.

During a briefing of the Tuscaloosa City Council before their regular slate of meetings, city council president Kip Tyner asked police chief Brent Blankley and other municipal leaders to explain a vending machine selling people ammunition at the Fresh Value store on at the corner of Skyland and McFarland Boulevards.

“I got some calls about ammunition being sold in grocery store vending machines,” Tyner said. “I thought it was a joke, but it’s not.”

He’s right – the automated dispenser is no joke, it’s one of the very first unmanned vending machines installed by American Rounds, a company looking to revolutionize how ammunition for handguns, rifles and shotguns is sold.

I have two words for this,

Hell Yes!

Some People Are Ridiculously Gullible

I see this crap on Twitter once in a while and laugh my ass off.

This clown is bragging about what his little electric toy can do.

Look at the road he is on real hard.

I have personally, taken a fully loaded El Camino and a 72 Ford LTD down roads worse than that with no problem.

Both having mere inches of ground clearance, two wheel drive and half bald tires.

I guess they are trying to make themselves feel better about shelling out a hundred grand for a toy.

While We Are On The Subject…

I already got the test results back from the Colonoscopy adventure and the good news is that nothing turned out to be cancerous.

Praise Jesus.


Since I have a history of the polyps, they want me to go back every 3 years and do it again.

Such lovely thoughts I have about that…

Anyways, to lighten the subject up a bit, Brad in IL sent me this video so I thought I would share it.

And Mikey sent this one from the comments on the original post.

I guess ya gotta have a sense of humor over the whole degrading experience.

I want to thank you for your messages and comments.


One more from the comments.

Thanks to Ima Jewish Deplorable.

That Sucked

I had a colonoscopy this morning. Didn’t eat solid food since Saturday evening, had to drink some stuff that tasted like they dipped parts in it to chrome coat them last night plus tons of water.,

Squirted out my ass all night until almost 4 A/M. Then had to be up at 5:30 to get ready to be at the hospital at 7:00.

Got knocked out and woke up at 8:30.

I have been asleep all day.

The instructions were written by a former Nazi SS guard and if you didn’t follow them exactly they would refuse to do it and charge you for an office visit so you could come back later and do it all over again so The Wifely Unit made me follow them to the letter and the minute.

Apparently they sliced out 5 polyps so now I have to wait on the lab for results. The minute we got out of there we went down the road to a Shari’s restaurant and I had steak and eggs with stuffed hash browns with gravy on top and sour dough toast. I polished the plate.

All this bullshit because I have been anemic since the first of the year. My fucking doctor refused to just let me take some iron supplements and demanded I have this done to make sure I didn’t have an internal bleed, which I repeatedly told her I never saw any evidence of.

So I ordered some fucking Geritol off Amazon and started taking that. The pre-interview for this ass exploring had me give blood samples and the anemia had been fixed.

Duh/Face Palm.

Supposedly, after FIFTEEN MOTHERFUCKING MONTHS, this is the last fucking hurdle and now my Cardio Vascular surgeon can set a fucking date to go in and put some stents in just below where the Aorta splits off into two arteries.

They aren’t going to do Fuck All with my legs.

Something is better than nothing at this point but I’m telling ya, my hatred of doctors and the entire fucking medical industry is white hot right now.