Cairns NewsNZ cops ignore PM Ardern will investigate hundreds of Covid mRNA vaxx-related deaths Editor, cairnsnewsJul 19Too many children have died from the vaxx, some names belowFrom Waikanae WatchJacinda Arden has been left reeling after New Zealand police look set to launch a possible probe into the unusually high number of deaths that have occurred since Covid jabs were rolled out across the country.Medical professionals across New Zealand have penned a formal letter to police requesting that an official investigation is opened into the jab-related deaths. New Zealand Police will defy PM Mr Ardern and investigate hundreds of vaxx related deathsAn unredacted version of the letter from the New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science (NZDSOS) is being prepared for the police.“There is a shockingly large burden of deaths and injuries following the Covid-19 vaccines, of itself and compared to any other treatment or vaccine in modern times,” NZDSOS said in a statement.“We report many cases that DEMAND proper investigation, as befits any medication lacking safety studies.”“Our surveillance systems have been disabled in order to hide the extent of harm. Adverse event reporting is NOT COMPULSORY, and this alone undermines any attempt to portray the injections as safe. CARM was never designed to early warn about experimental drugs rolled out to massive numbers,” NZDSOS stated.“Children and young people are dying and suffering particularly cardiac injuries (though many healthy elderly have died too), whilst their risk from covid-19 is particularly low. We believe we are being lied to. We present many cases halfway down this post,” the letter added.“We appeal AGAIN to the Police, headed by Andrew Coster, and our MPs, to intervene to protect the People,” the letter asked.“There is an evolving humanitarian crisis, and the government, Police, vaccine industry and most doctors are lost at sea. For God’s sake, people, let’s make our Police and MPs put a stop to this now!” reports: The letter highlighted certain deaths that were pulled from the Citizen’s Database. The deceased were mostly young adults, some of whom were even children, and they passed away unexpectedly and suddenly, according to the Rio Times.In many cases, their deaths were caused by blood clots in the brain or the heart. Below are some of the names listed:Too many deadEddie, age 13, Wellington. Died in his sleep, several nights after jabbed at event with some of his school buddies. presumably he is the teen mentioned here by MOHJoanna. 15 year old, Auckland. A friend’s mum reported the death. Joanna collapsed in her bathroom, her heart had stopped. She died on the way to the hospital, or whilst there.Katie age 13. Died October 2021 in the arms of a camp helper about a week following her first jab. Cause of death myocarditis, initially diagnosed and treated as asthma by GP.Allen Tardrew age 52. Bay of Islands. Especially poignant. Died 13 Dec 2021 First jab at pop up tent 1/11/21, noticed heart irregularity immediately, suffered Severe heart attack about 4.5 wks later. 2 days in hospital where he told Dr his suspicions but Dr disagreed, was released & died 3 days later. He asked friend to make his case heard when he died!Susan age 41. Hokianga. Had first jab May 2021 and found dead in bed 4 days later. Cause of death 3 blood clots in L lung, blood clot in aorta. Coroner has just ruled “coincidental”.Robert age 21. Northland. Died Oct 2021 1-2 days after jab. Cause of death brain bleed and cardiac arrest. Fit and healthy active man.Paul age 52. Died Oct 2021 2 weeks after jab. Found dead in truck sleeper cab.Simon age in his 50s. Usually healthy. Died suddenly at work in October 2021, of heart failure shortly after vaccination. Details of dates not available.Aio age 16. Whangarei school girl. Died Dec 2021 2 weeks after jab from brain bleed and blood clots. Some hospital staff agreed privately that vaccine had killed her according to family members.Isabella Alexander age 17. Died Sept 2021. Cause of death multiple blood clots. Collapsed in father’s arms out running. Had felt unwell since a week after 1st jab. 3 days later PM told nation on TV that it was not the jab. Coroner still not reported as of writing, 9 months later.Grace age 23/24. Died Sept 2021. Cause of death blood clots. Had second jab 10 days prior, unwell after, small seizures, last seizure neck broke during and a friend found her purple on bathroom floor, dead. Hospital denying, saying “it couldn’t have been the vaccine”. Why on earth not?Karl age 33. Died 17 May 2021. Intellectual handicap, died in his sleep sometime after first jab.Annabelle age 38. Died two hours after 2nd jab in Sept 2021, was a care worker and no choice – doctors declared bad reaction to covid shot caused blood to clot. Allegedly, hospital agreed the jab killed her but asked family to sign a gag order.Timothy, 33, Paraparaumu. Died of heart attack at home 2 days after jab.Janice, 35, Taupare, healthy, found dead in bathroom approx 12 days after shot..Aneela, in 30s, died suddenly during childbirth in Auckland, a week prior had her jab. She was found to have blood clots. Her baby was delivered by caesarean and died at 4 days.Rory Nairn, 26, of Dunedin. Died of myocarditis on 17/11. The MOH have acknowledged this as one of 3 vaccine-related deaths up to this point. They implied he delayed seeking medical help.Piotr, 53, Auckland. Found dead by his mother sometime shortly after first dose. UnexplainedTongan couple, South Auckland, BOTH died mid-March 2021, within 12 hours of each other. 5 children left who have been awarded compensation during teenage years. Names withheld. Lawyers confirm the case.Louis age 29, keen soccer player. Sudden chest pain then collapsed and died after practice . Healthy and energetic. Leaves a young family. Joins many dead athletes round the world.Harry, 76, died of heart attack on the day of 1st vaccine. Leaves wife and 4 children.Moana age 39. Died 4 days post jab in Whangarei in Sept 2021. Cause of death blood clot/brain aneurysm.Martin, 62, Auckland. Advised that coroner confirmed verbally was a post-vaccine death but refused to put in writing or report to CARM. Leaves a devastated family.Ruth, 57, Dunedin, teenagers found mum dead in bed 12 hours after first dose. Massive brain bleed.Simon, 59, heart attack in August ’21, sudden after first shot, no prior issues. Rugby mad.Phillip, 50s. Hamilton, died 25/8/21, 2 days after 1st jab. Body sent away for cremation, “hushed up” according to family.Ray, 52, Auckland. Died 26/5/21, post first vax. Well-controlled diabetic. Found slumped at computer, undrunk cup of tea next to him.Joe, 41, of Auckland. Found dead by police a week after his first dose. Very unexpected.Frith, 79, massive stroke 2 days after 2nd dose. Some chronic conditions but stable.Willy, 66, Auckland, died June 21. Healthy fit man, sudden death, heart attack 3 days after 2nd shot. Found on floor, died alone.Ashley, 70s, Auckland. Brain bleed 2 days after 2nd dose 14/8/21. Family dissuaded from PM.Violet, 72, Napier, died of brain bleed on 14/6/21. 2 days after 2nd jab. Vaccinator in family so CARM report not submitted.Martin, 65, Papakura, 5 days after 1st shot, died of multiple blood clots in brain . Fit outdoorsmanJake, 51, died 30/12/21 at home post jab in Dunedin, neighbour had noted slurred speech ? Stroke.Curtis, 71, Wellsford , unexpected sudden death at home 3 days after jab.Mike, 47, Wanaka. Suddenly died at work, unknown cause, 3 days after 1st jab. Family said they have been gagged, but believe vaccine killed him.Matt, 59, Masterton, died whilst logging , one week after 1st or 2nd jab. Heart attack.Basil, 57, Queenstown truck driver, heart attack 5 days after his first vax too. Doctors denied autopsy request. Concern expressed that his vax death was covered up.Royce, 42, living in Melbourne, dropped dead out running 26 days after 2nd jab in August’21.Michaela, 22, living in France, sudden death 9 hours after 2nd jab. Uncertain if born in NZ.Ngaire, 64, Dannevirke. Died in hospital several weeks after 2nd shot, neurological symptoms. Previously well.Max, 49, Christchurch, sudden death at work May ’22 after 2nd jab.Keith, 68, Canterbury, fell off a ladder sometime after booster, but autopsy showed no injuries to explain his death. Perhaps cardiac arrest or stroke leading to the fall?Maureen, 61, Timaru in Feb ’22. Progressively unwell after each jab, had booster tho extremely fearful, died 2 weeks following this. Some preconditions but obvious decline after 1st shot.Gregory 57, long term hospitalised, 7 days after 1st, sudden death. IHC patient, lacked capacity to consent.Horace, 91. Elderly but stable. Severe stroke within 24 hours of vax, died 4 days later in Rotorua hospital.Ivan, 75 of Turangi, in Jan ’22. Healthy man, collapsed and died in the bush after booster. Family calling for painstaking investigation.Merv, 50s, of Taranaki. Healthy but died in sleep sometime after 2nd shot. Well people dying unexpectedly in sleep is unusual but not the number in this list. Elizabeth, 65, a nurse, collapsed from blood clots only hours after first jab in April ’21. Allegedly a senior medical civil servant rang her workmates to say it was the flu jab. They knew otherwise. This might be fraud if so.Robynne, 57, of Foxton, suddenly died day following booster, unexpected.Karl, 63, Fielding, died 2 weeks after 2nd shot of heart attack.And many more, you can read the rest here. |