When I was a charge nurse at a Portland hospital, I was assigned a dot-indian to train as my assistant charge nurse. While assessing her skills and education during the interview I had her “college” grade transcript and noted that her education was only on par for an LPN nurse(1 year) not the 2 year nursing education required for an RN. The position required a BSN degree, but could be waived for extensive relevant experience and OJT training. She was 24 years old, not enough nursing experience. I found out nurses in india are not required to have a state board examination and licensing like you do here. I brought this up with the administration and was told to ignore and proceed with training her. Her skill level was just above a motivated and bright CNA… After a couple of months trying to train her to a a level she could help run a med unit I overheard her discussing with a couple of other foreign born nurses that she was being trained to eventually be a charge nurse of med/surg unit and that “white” nurses were going to be replaced.
All this time I had been carefully documenting this training, her and the other foreign nurses assessments and reviews and when I heard this bomb shell made an appointment with the hospital administrator and showed up with copies of all my documentation and my lawyer. I explained that I had already filed formal complaints with the five hospital accreditation agencies, the Oregon Health Authority and State Board of Nursing that the hospital was replacing highly skilled nurses with low wage scabs. That I would bring suit to halt this practice. I also informed all the staff on my unit and other units of the hospital’s plan, it didn’t go over well. After two months of tense negotiating and threatened walk outs by hospital staffing and getting the area doctors involved the hospital reversed itself and stopped hiring H1-B nurses. I was not retaliated against or threatened by firing, but they made it uncomfortable. I also had the dot-indian reassigned to the aide department and a couple of the other questionable foreign nurses quit because they knew they could not provide additional documentation to prove their competence and skills to continue at their jobs.
I borrowed this from Tactical Hermit. True Americans need to stand up and refuse service and shun these invaders. There are Americans that will do the job that “they” say we won’t. First you need to stop government support of lazy, fully capable adults and stop subsidizing them and college students. Student loans and grants were available when I was in college, I earned two masters degrees and paid for them myself, No, I didn’t fly to Bermuda or tour Europe and get drunk or high. I lived in a studio apartment, drove a 10 year old Toyota pickup and ate a lot of cheese sammichs.