A new email address for Cederq…

Lets try this again and see if the trolls don’t bite. My email address for submission and general bitches is as follows, BustedCederq at GMX.com

Now remember it is me that will get to read it first, if it pisses me off or so off color I blush, it may never see the light of day, or it might be ridiculed and shared… It is also listed on the bottom of the page. I can also forward stuff to our esteemed and illustrious boss man, Bustednuckles.

Particular nasty ones too…

Robber barons of our day. More insidious then of the barons of the past, they didn’t want to kill us, just take our money. The same applies to them as our congresscreeps and snotators, a whip or pistol is acceptable.

Deathray update:

I just finished a phone call with Deathray and he stated he just saw the Surgeon that preformed the lower leg and ankle rebuild that he was healing well and can start putting weight on his foot and will be attending Physical Therapy soon to strengthen and reestablish Range of Motion. He sounded upbeat and has a positive outlook on his recovery and chomping at getting back to living the Alaskan Bushman he craves…