Camping Saturday

1955 Mercedes Benz
1964 Econoline
1972 Born Free Extended Slide in.
1990 Chevy Suburban.
2021 Isuzu NPS 300 4X4
1949, The Jannie, a commentator taken at Humbie, near Edinburgh, Scotland. He is the cute little tyke, his mother and father.
Sherptek Custom Slide In.
1950s Camping Advertisement.
CJ-5 almost over the cliff.

11 thoughts on “Camping Saturday

    • I want to know what kind of Phoooking Idiot would get it into that situation ????

      • Gary, if you have 100 RV campers together, they will have 108 opinions and over 40% are idiots. You can sit outside your camper in your chaise lounge enjoying a cup of coffee or a real beer and wonder how they got the camper hooked up and down the road… yet I love RVing, but I go to out of the way places and small RV camps if I have to stay for a few days and get hot showers and laundry washing.

  1. Pingback: Weekend Rule 5 and FUN Linkage - The DaleyGator

  2. Okay, 7 is a nice rig. Is it a Newmar or the other brand?

    Cederq, your relatives look like they have more fun than the outdoorsman, I think I will hang with you and your relatives.

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