18 thoughts on “Camping Saturday

  1. That second illustration, that’s a lot of people in squeeze into a tiny caravan! Whoever built that van in the third pic next, made a mistake in choosing a dark colour like that, you’d bloody cook yourself in that! You’ll need a hookup to mains power to exhaust all the heat from it, then aircon to get it cool enough to sleep, be cheaper and easier to stay at home in comfort.

    • But then they wouldn’t be able to pretend they were Jawas travelling around in a sand crawler, and how much fun would that be?

      Oh, the kids can sleep outside, or in the car.

  2. Pingback: Weekend Rule 5 Links - The DaleyGator

  3. I’ve got photograph which might fit into a future camping feature. How do I send it?

  4. #7 or #9 suit me just fine.

    #17 (scouts, pup tents, and a few men instructors) bring back fond memories.
    I still have my 1967 Boy Scout handbook. I’ll read from it from time to time.
    My brother got to go to Jamboree that year. Only enough money for one, and him being the oldest.

    • I thought the were AP mines.

      (Which is a great way to cut down on univited guests. You know, like the guy who comes over to borrow some of your fire, trips all over your fixins, his fire snuffs out so he comes back again, then again. And starts a string of small fires as he twaddles into the night towards his camp. Then comes back because he watched you drinking something he might be interested in.
      I mean, something like that.)

  5. Wouldn’t be caught dead in #3.

    Sure are a lot of Good Ol’ Days camping. Not for me any more. When I could go camping at ages 12-20 I didn’t think of any other way of camping- we had WWII ponchos (AF surplus) that we would wrap around our “mummy bags” (again, AF surplus) up in, and usually sleep under a tree if it was raining.

    I was young, dumb, and had a blast. Thems were the days.

  6. How come you never show a picture of my wife’s favorite camper, the Holiday Inn?

    • Send me one, there isn’t one around here and I am not driving 80 miles to Eugene to take a picture in that rat, liberal infested muck hole of a city.

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