14 thoughts on “Cabins, we haven’t visited in awhile.

  1. When the going gets tough, the tough convert their chicken coop into a cozy small house. Rural Minnesota.

  2. really you don’t need WIFI either. dialup was okay for a while here until it wasn’t
    the phone lines around here are from 1987 or so I was told.
    now, if they ever get their act together and trim the damn trees back off the lines
    they might not go out every time we have a windstorm around here.
    they are cheap and dumb. the clowns that run things around here.
    I think it is all of the inbreeding that NO ONE TALKS ABOUT.

    • Starlink, Dave, Starlink. Initial cost is pretty steep, $600 for the base station, $110 monthly. Rock solid connection at 200Mbps. ANYWHERE in the US.
      Requires 150-200 watts of AC power. Less in warmer months, because the “dish” is heated to prevent snow/ice buildup.

      I can take mine on the road when I go RV-ing.

  3. How bout that hottie in 15

    7 looks like the porch the banjo kid from Deliverance was sitting on when he played

  4. Really enjoy these Collection post Phil…Old Trains, Old Trucks and now Old Cabins. Although I am still a young man (45 years old) I guess I am an “old soul” in that I like things from a simpler and more practical time. Cheers Brother. 👍

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