Bye Bitch

She lied to the bitter end, at the very last, in her concession speech, she claimed she had helped bring down the homicide rate in Chicago.

Good Fucking Riddance

Go away and I won’t have to.

19 thoughts on “Bye Bitch

  1. Did she really lose? I am so surprised the hockey stick did not show up to help it out.
    Maybe things will get better now. Time will only tell.

    • Whatever you do, don’t bet the farm. This is Chicago we’re talking about…

    • I’d like to see that thing dragged at 90mph til there’s nothing left but a frayed rope. I’d pay good money to see it in person.

  2. “My physical appearance is very important to me.”
    Said the woman who violated her own Covid restrictions to get her hair done.

    The best thing about her getting her sorry lesbian ass booted from office is that maybe (fingers crossed) we’ll never have to look at her ugly puss ever again.

    • Lesbian, Elmo? I was under the impression that ‘she’ was a tranny, a male who had his undercarriage snipped off?
      Not that I could care any less about such a freak, but it’s surprising that someone so ugly* made it to be mayor of such a large city, the budget of which would rival a small nation’s.
      *ugly: with a face like a hatful of arseholes; as a dog that’s been chasing parked cars!

      • I just double checked for you, Johno. Her ‘spouse’ is Amy Eshleman. Both she and Lori identify as pansexual, whatever that is.

        • Okay. I’m just glad they’re yours! Do the Dems have a special clause in their preselection charter that only the ugliest and flakiest gain a Dem ticket to stand for election?
          Tulsi Gabbard doesn’t count as a Dem anymore, and I’d do her. And the Repub Lauren Boebert. I must see if they’re both free one night.

  3. Butt Phil that was some of the best tax payer entertainment for the value they pay.

    Cost me nothing.

  4. Mayor Bettlejuice gone? Say it isn’t so.

    The other choices, now headed for a “runoff” aren’t much better when it comes to political philosophy. Not to mention, the Mayor of Chicongo, whomever that happens to be at the moment, isn’t going to fix what’s wrong with that city.

    IMHO, the only solution is the extermination, with prejudice, of the entire south side. Same thing as is wrong with the rest of the country. Until the 13%/90+% problem is fixed, permanently in all of these Demonrat created and run shitholes, the problems there and around the country will persist and get worse.

  5. She’ll probably turn up as a political comment contributor over at Faux Nooz, they have a soft spot for Lebesians and Teh Gayz

  6. One story this morning has her vote at 17%. Maybe there’s something to that book by Hugh Hewitt “If It’s Not Close They Can’t Cheat”. Except that Hewitt is consistently wrong on every pollitical opinion I’ve ever heard from him.
    I don’t know or care who the next mayor is, and don’t expect the homicide rate to change one bit. Stay away from cities has never been more true than today.

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