21 thoughts on “Buh Bye Bitch!

  1. Any place there is an option. But they will probably be about as effective as the TEA party was. They are all in a big club and we are not.

  2. Harriet Hageman, better than Cheney. Hageman may vote in a manner conservatives approve of, but alas, just another politician. Says all the right words to get elected. Like all the rest, she will eventually learn to use the system to her advantage and profit. All politicians are dirty across the board. I worked several years for a very conservative state Senator. The Senator voted appropriately, but the filth behind the scenes was disturbing. Can you say quid pro quo for campaign donors? Enough. I feel the need to go wash my hands.

    I know that there are exceptions, so I hope I didn’t offend anyone.

    • Nope you are exactly correct and she will mostly be brought inline as usual. The system there is designed for this.

      The only person in DC worth a spit is Thomas Massie from Kentucky.

      • I find MTG of GA good and there are a few others but not many. What is bad is the election system in the country is corrupt and needs to be fixed.

    • I agree completely. Politics and politicians are a stench that is impossible to cleanse.

  3. Per Tucker Carlson last night.
    Liz made 6 million a year during her 6 years in the house.
    Nice gig if you can get it

  4. Liz forgot that to the demo-communists you are a useful IDIOT. Disposable.

    FeeBee wind up toys for various mass terror events are useful idiots.

    All the hangers on (like the escapees from the toilet paper) are useful DISPOSABLE Idiots.

    But like Cold Fury said so well

    True enough that every tyrant carries the seed of his own eventual destruction within himself, but it’s of little if any comfort nevertheless. Nemesis can often be quite a long time a-coming, affording the despot an extended opportunity to inflict one hell of a lot of pain and misery on those unlucky souls anxiously awaiting her arrival.

    Prepare for real craziness in the near future. The Dirty B mentioned by FeeBees is a real probability.

    Protect your families

  5. Oh, and BFYTW Lizzie lezzie 100k to 50k bwahaha. And to that POS I saw on the news yesterday who switched to republican to vote for that POS

    • Sure about that? Communist Nonsense Network or maybe PMSNBC would take her…. Just for “equal representation”, y’know.

      • Yep, she’ll have a gig on CNN or one of the other gov. approved propaganda networks in a few weeks. She’ll continue to profit via grift.

  6. Just remember, Mata-Hari Liz will be in office until her replacement is installed. Better watch her like a hawk until then.

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