Just got off the phone with BC, he is okay, snot blogger axed his site over three supposed “Community Standards Violations” what ever the fuck those mean. He is laying low, and I quote from Big himself: ” I am keeping my big mouth shut!” he sez’ that is part of the problem… He is exploring other options and maybe looking a DiveMedic site to reup his blog. He said his phone was dead and why I couldn’t get hold of him this morning.

Geez! If it weren’t for bad luck BC’d have none at all.
No sooner do I update the link having found it when it gets fvanished to the gulags for no good reason. Hope he finds a way of self hosting, all these namby pamby so called “service” companies are first class Aholeos.
I guess that’s…some good news. Finding his place went *poof* suddenly had me wondering if he finally decided to do (something). I don’t know what exactly transpired re: Addy, but surmise it was nothing good (I suspect a black robed bastard just crushed thr rescue operation he had been working, but that is supposition based upon his rather distressing Gab post).
Anyway, I hope BC can find the strength to persevere in the face of this latest insult to all that is good, and eventually setup shop at DM’s place as that would appear the path of least resistance. Otherwise he’d need to do all the legwork DM has already put in to get onto a more bulletproof platform not subject to the whims of leftist sacks of shit.
Thanks for the update Cederq. That big mouth, and lack of discretion is why we like his stuff so much. DM has his servers offshore, in more than one foreign country, not subject to the censorship nazi’s. I’ll be watching for the next iteration of BCE.
BCE already has a site on one of DM’s servers. He last posted to it October 29, 2022. Perhaps he will go active on it again. It is at:
well, it did kind of go against the grain so to speak.
a few good folks shared idea and thoughts about what a person could make if need be and how to do it. and as I have noted before, body armor burns.
the fed boys just might wet themselves now.
there is a lot of us old farts that did weird jobs and whatnot in our past.
and have some skill sets the feds would rather we didn’t share with others.
we KNOW the weak points in the machine so to speak.
and that my friends, scares the shit out of them.
Thank you so much for checking.
You are welcome Jen.
Big Country should be proud about how he was directly over the target and took all that flak.
We need to support him even more.
As for me, I will continue to open my big mouth…………
as soon as they let me back on some blogs.
I’m still kicked off of everything Microsponge, CBC, Global, MSNBC, CNN……
You would have to call Phil or me an unmitigated asshole and mean it before we would even think about ban your Grumpy backside…
Google is converged, I’m actually surprised it took them this long. . .
Good. So at this point in time everyone is above ground.
Thank you for checking CederQ.
What’s going to happen when all of us old farts are no longer around?
Hands on experience outweighs any video watching, etc.
Yup, keep the old pie hole shut……………NOPE! Fuck you fedbois, and anyone else that wants to silence us and the truth. There’s a reckoning coming and I hope we get to administer it, because if we don’t it’ll be the Chinese and the rest of the world.
Why? Community standards? That’s stupid.
Let me be the first to say that I follow quite a few of you bastard’s blogs, and if I were to say that nothing any of you have written has ever pissed me off, I’d be lying. It shouldn’t be on you to not offend me (or anyone at all, for that matter,) it should be on me to not be offended, or if I am offended, to leave of my own accord.
Thanks for saying. I had been giving the site a miss since the update of going quiet for a bit. I also thought it had to do with Addy stuff.
So..first thought; AYFKM? Next was of course.
Blegger seems to have had a st. valentines day massacre of late.
I still marvel at those bloggers that still use it. I killed everything google years ago. And it wasn’t because they were being dicks. It was that I didn’t like how they were ‘sharing’ data with others. Hell, that was years ago, nearly a decade.
If you are into blogging as much as cars or guns, you can power your own blog for years for the price of a mediocre shootin’ iron. And then, you have standing, of sorts. Sure, the host can whack your blog, but then they’ll have to cut you a check.
Divemedic’s current pricing isn’t bad. Little spendier than some. It’s actually less than I spend on a provider that hosts three non-blog sites for me.
you know I bet some lawyer found his site and used what he had there against
him in court. more the like the lawyer contacted the blogger group and got him
shut down. there are very few lawyers I met that I didn’t want to punch in the face
as to me it always seems like they are using lawfare against us.
we really need to bring back dueling again. I tired of pricks hiding behind the so called rule of law. hell, just look at congress, most of those pricks are lawyers.
I really do not think we are going to “vote” our way out of this shit show.
From the Babylon Bee:
Representative George Santos arrested; 434 members of congress still at large.
His blog posts could easily be used against him in his custody case. From the perspective of his court case only, going silent and scrubbing his history is probably a good thing.
IANAL, but if he wants that kid back then he really needs to delete EVERYTHING and stop talking until this is resolved. Unless as “Dave in PA” said above, his posts have already been submitted to the court in which case he’s probably cooked.
Even his posts on the donation site were very risky, from a legal standpoint.
Godspeed, my good man.