19 thoughts on “Bear Claw, for all of us, may we all be that bad ass when it is time

  1. The only answer I’ve ever gotten to “Why me?” is a pretty clear “Why not you?”
    Discovered this morning at about 5am when I flushed the toilet, and it became dead silent, not refilling, that our water was out. I hate plumbing. Hey, it’s only 6F out, with a howling wind chill of minus 14F, so what’s the problem? It’s been much colder already this season.
    I have a 6 gallon jug of water in the back of the pickup, frozen rock solid of course. But a case of bottled water in the garage was not, so we at least got coffee while if rassled with the issues. No way was I getting back to sleep, so after mulling over possible problem locations, I crawled under the house, and the only exposed location I could see was a shutoff valve. The pipe to either side has got foam insulation wrap, so I hung a heat lamp aimed close to that valve. About an hour later, water’s back. Phew! Did I say that I hate plumbing? Even worse is crawling under houses. I REALLY hate that.
    Oh, and my cell service is out too. Poor thing is “searching for service” and hasn’t found any yet. But my interwebs is here so I can grouse about it.

    • Dude- I can identify with your situation. It doesn’t get that miserable here (west TX) but sorta close. It 21 here. Where moved from it 70+. Dammit. Good luck.

    • Might be a wise move to wrap the shut off valve with heat tape and run up to a switched outlet you can turn on when it gets cold out there in Deliverance land…

      • You can buy heat tape with a built-in thermostatic switch, CederQ. No need to have it on a switched outlet.

        Beware, though – there have been instances where the heat tape was not installed correctly and it caught fire.

        • Thanks Igor. I’ll be looking into that. We have a local plumbing/electrical outfit that has real experts I can talk to unlike the big box places that are not allowed to dispense anything approaching expertise or advice.

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