And There It Is

I fucking KNEW IT!

This would be why the Republicans are screaming bloody murder about the FTX scandal and millions getting laundered back to the Democrats.

Disgraced FTX Founder Donated To Six RINOs Who Voted To Impeach Trump

They are all dirty as far as I can see.

One way or another.

At least we finally get some entertainment and get to watch the DemonRats play defense as a metric buttload of investigations on their dirty dealing get launched.

Grab some popcorn.

8 thoughts on “And There It Is

  1. I note that the little scum ball Senator from here in Nebraska who was and is one of Trumps biggest critics and a supposed GOOD Christian, Ben Sasse, took money from this scammer. His holier than thou is no different than others who pretend to follow religion religiously and are dirt bags behind the facade.

    • Apparently, he won’t be your problem anymore. I think he was just confirmed as the president of the University of Florida.

      The moron Wokester kids up at UF are all upset because they saw the R after his last name on TV and they think he’s actually conservative.

  2. kind of simple really, anyone of them that the others hate is not in on the take.
    it is the main reason why they hated Trump. he wasn’t taking the money like all of them did. the last honest dem was Truman .
    and I think for the same reason, he wasn’t in on the take/grift
    you will not see any of this in the media as they where the ones who got paid to run the ads. after all what is a extra 10% between friends ?
    and people wonder why it a nuke should someday hit DC, more than half the country would thank the shooter ?
    Vlad knows he doesn’t have to do a thing but wait. this country is going to fall all on it’s own.

  3. Now that the Ukraine Launderette is finally exposed, what are the odds of the war closing down?
    Or has the war gone too far that it has morphed into a real war?

    Or, maybe we should wait for actual criminal convictions of certain politicians. HAHA. Oh, I say some funny stuff sometimes.

  4. Nothing will change
    No one will be indicted
    No one will be prosecuted
    No one will spend a single day in chains

    Unless we do it ourselves

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