6 thoughts on “And it is uncomplicated.

  1. and never look back at all the stupid shit !
    other than DR. appts. and food shopping, we never go into town.
    no TV set in the house. life is good like this.
    I never live in a town or city again.

  2. Cheaper, easier on the psyche (sp?) and a darn site easier to maintain!
    The more toys and stuff, the busier you are keeping things running, fixed, or built. Or removed, for that matter…
    Keep your outgo less than your income.

  3. Great advice! Young people need to understand that marketing doesn’t go to all this trouble because it “likes them”.

  4. Well…by that criteria, I’m about as simple as they come. Luckily, I’m happy too.
    Tree Mike

  5. Doing more than that. Sold my house a few months ago. Kept a tiny bit from it. Put all my garage stuff in storage, life is grand. It’s amazing what you don’t need.

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