9 thoughts on “An evil woman! I would have left work!

    • Wouldn’t even slow my wife down a bit.
      Besides, she DOES know how to use tools. Just not well.

    • Now that’s evil Phil! A nightmare! 😂 A place for everything and everything in it’s place. OCD, at your service.

  1. Silly husband. I keep my tools in toolboxes….LOCKED… so the wife and two daughters can’t lose them.

  2. If your workshop has enough spiders, webs, and field mice running around she’ll never go there. Please, if you don’t outsmart her she’ll outsmart you, every.dam.time.

  3. Bwahahaha, I had a camera in my garage, use to laugh every time she would go in there looking for a tool and watch her give up almost every time.

    To many drawers and cabinets.

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