16 thoughts on “Alabama Fishing boat

    • I think they are slabs of foam insulation that our industrious young redneck “salvaged” and tie together for the purpose.
      Oddly enough, I found this pic online, but he looks like he may be from just down-river from me.

  1. I immediately laughed my ass off at the meme. Long ago my group of buddies use to use the Arkansas based one against our resident Arkansan who I fished with many times. To be honest I think the original photo was taken in Oklahoma on a body of water I have fished on.

    Chuck I don’t know the key strokes, wish I did.

  2. Check on the Interwebbies for some ASCII art, CederQ, I’m sure the Middle Finger Salute exists somewhere…

    • Why would I want to do that? I didn’t want a one finger salute. I can do my own interpretive saluting…

  3. Any fool knows that you have to carve the foam all pointy on the forward end to make it more hydrodynamic. (Sheesh)

    Gives “Roll (with the) Tide!” a whole new meaning.

    […] I’ll just see myself out then, shall I?

  4. The State will come after him for not having it registered. Also, you can’t have alcohol on the boat. Towing a keg might be legal, though.

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