Addressed to better call saul. From a female reader that wishes to remain anonymous for now and I agree with that. Take your lumps. She asked why I continue to allow you and some of your incubuses to comment here and several others have asked me that same question. I offer you up as a squeaky toy for my readers. You are the gift that keeps giving.

“He said “Just looking at the permanent tan and broad nose with a flat bridge. I suspect he’s Halfrican like Obama or perhaps Quarterican. I’ll bet that hair would grow out into a nice Afro.”
I say.   What is your actual point?   Are you off your psyche meds or just having PMS?    We all know PMS affects one’s emotions, rationality and causes anger issues.    Do you need a tampon?  I’m sure you will claim to be a man, but real men don’t behave like you do drama queen.   You are likely a skinny jean, man bun wearing, soy boy liberal.   Do you have a nose piercing?    Inquiring minds want to know.   Why are you here stirring up trouble?   Does it give you a hard on so that you can penetrate your butt buddy?   You do know that our beloved blog host is facing a major health crisis, right?    Perhaps you should go rightly fuck yourself and leave him in peace so that he can deal with his health issues.  You are a fucking troll asshole just here to get attention Karen.   I don’t really care Margaret.   Get over yourself.”  

23 thoughts on “Addressed to better call saul. From a female reader that wishes to remain anonymous for now and I agree with that. Take your lumps. She asked why I continue to allow you and some of your incubuses to comment here and several others have asked me that same question. I offer you up as a squeaky toy for my readers. You are the gift that keeps giving.

  1. While I don’t particularly like to denigrate others (other than for fun), we can make a Special Case for Our Boy Saul.

    …And We’ll Have Fun Fun Fun ‘Til Daddy Takes The T-Bird Away!

  2. Is someone available to translate WTF she said?
    It wasn’t long ago, whatever was being spewed would simply result in a smack upside the head and being told to talk right or shut up.

      • Toddlers lie on the floor, kick and scream like that, and I was always told you never hit someone when they are laying down. If an adult does it, a small kick in the side will make them get up on their knees – then you can’t miss!

  3. Glad I could be of service as a squeaky toy. My skin is thicker than Dear Leader’s orange epidermis.

    My point is that Bongino, like Patel and Gabbard, are not qualified by resume, temperament or skin color. Hegseth is qualified only by skin color.

    Why am I here? I love the humor and agree with most commentary except the Trump stuff. As an old school Republican, Reagan was the greatest President of my lifetime. Trump is the worst. Reagan appointed well-qualified people to the important jobs. Trump appoints unqualified lickspittles.

    My point is that Bongino, like Patel and Gabbard, are not qualified by resume, temperament or skin color. Hegseth is qualified only by skin color.

    Reagan said “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall.” Trump said “ Mr. Putin, unzip your pants.”

    • Looking at who Joe Biden had on his team: an overweight man dressing as a woman for health; a man dressing as a woman stealing purses and luggage was in charge of nuclear products, President Biden himself is a pedo and a traitor, his wife a fake doctor, the Speaker Pelosi is an insider-trading alcoholic, the dipshit in charge of roads loves fucking his friend and the country up the ass…..
      You should sit this one out.

      • He can’t he likes the attention. Even though his cogitation skills lack, he puts his mouth in gear but fails to make sure the brain is running.

        He’s like a dogs’ squeaky toy, he is…

    • President Reagan was a great leader and i will fight anyone who says different. However he was a bit too trusting of people especially Ted (burn in hell asshole) Kennedy and his 1986 amnesty bill or G.W. Bush as his V.P.

    • @ Saul. Reagan…and old school Republican? LOL! He capitulated to the Dems on mass immigration and the U.S. is still suffering today from that mistake. Once a democrat always a democrat. Better than Carter, but that’s not really raising the bar much.

      “Reagan said “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall.” – yeah, that wasn’t “planned” in advance……….at all. ROFL.

  4. “Not qualified” means “Not of the swamp” apparently. Gen X taking the reigns was bound to upset some of the old school boomers ride into the sunset…

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