15 thoughts on “Actually, I Prefer Cold Pizza Myself.

  1. Cold pizza, coffee, OJ, at the top of Old Loveland Pass at sunrise…it don’t get much better than that !

  2. Don’t do coffee – prefer my caffeine cold and carbonated. But cold-pizza-for-breakfast has been a staple for me since I ate my first (Chef Boyardi) pie about 1963. Wife thinks I’m nuts, but old tastes don’t die.

    • Thanks for commenting on our humble blog Old Man. Asked Phil to add you to the blog list. Here is to you coming by more often, cuz’ I know you have gleefully pilfered memes off of us…. snerk….

    • Just visited your place for the first time. Great memes. You’ll be a daily stop. Thanks Cederq.

    • After a month training at Aibano eating either Jap food or Meals Rejected by Ethneropians, imagine the joy of getting a real breakfast on the plane…

      “We’ll be serving breakfast now… a Japanese breakfast os soft-boiled egg, cold fried chicken piece, croissant and orange juice…”

  3. I like two eggs, two toast, two strips of thick-cut bacon. No coffee, sometimes milk or OJ but mostly Hot Cocoa

      • I’ve been told that there are alkaloids in chocolate that still have not been characterized. And of those that are known, theobromine is toxic to dogs. Said for many years that caffeine and chocolate are the last two drugs I’ll ever give up.

    • I do to Igor but that means you have to cook. If available cold pizza since I was in college.

  4. I never eat breakfast unless there is time to enjoy it. Gobble up something and hit the door running is a hard pass for me. My favorite breakfast is a cheddar cheese and sausage 3-egg omelet with CHRISP hash browns and heavily buttered sourdough toast with peach or strawberry preserves or orange marmalade, or failing those, nearly any kind of jelly but grape. Grape jelly in a restaurant should be a health code violation and will be as soon as I’m appointed Emperor.

    But I’ll admit that cold pizza would be my second favorite breakfast. Yum.

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