8 thoughts on “About right…

  1. Today’s NATO countries couldn’t defend themselves from a Girl Scout troop.

    Given America’s “leadership”, I’d be pretty effing nervous about Russia and China were I one of those countries.

  2. That little Nato dog is smart enough not to rely on The United States of Show-me-the-money-first. I’ve always liked our cousins-over-the-pond but you Yanks are more short sighted than Mr Magoo and only back up your “allies” when you yourselves are attacked. You wrote facism off as Europes problem then got sucker punched on your Hawaian vacation!
    Sometimes it even takes the threat of losing a state to the Mexicans to get you to the party. LMFAO!
    Bidens a shister and a pillock but Trump would have been bent over the Kremlins long table with his bare arse getting a Putin enema right now, worrying about what the Commies were gonna reveal about him. I’ve heard Vladimir Pitler’s got a Golden (Shower) Oldies collection on Trump. Maybe Trump can just “grab’im in the pussy!”
    If Europe crumbles under Pitler or Winnie the Poohs watch, U.S. of ‘moronica is screwed. When was the last time you won a war without us?
    Let me guess, you count Vietnam as a draw, yeah? Beaten by a bunch of rice farmers and worse still, you treated your veterans appallingly (and still do).
    Find your balls and get a grip. You might have nothing to hold onto soon, ‘cept maybe that long table…….Viva Ukraine, Viva democracy

      • He can’t help it. Those famous rotten British teeth have abscessed and infection has gone to his brain. The only thing he has to look forward to is the next Royal wedding. Euro trash POS.

    • You might want to keep something in mind there Limey Boy, there is a huge difference between American Politicians and the American People.
      Even our politicians are deathly afraid of pissing us off.

      • “……there is a huge difference between American Politicians and the American People.”

        Erm, one lot lose elections and the other lot lose wars?

        The presidents and the people are not that disimilar really. With each coming election, when you think they couldn’t get any crazier…….hey presto!

        Why has no-one tried invading the US recently? Because, as you’re fond of saying, “don’t stick your dick in crazy!”

        Your country used to have brave soldiers that would fight for glory, honour and (with a little cash injection) a righteous cause. All you have now are trash-rats that’ll scurry off to their shelters and their tin-hats when their fuel prices go up (boohoo).

        I’ll always have respect for dead and living US veterans of yesteryear and when I was in California would always tell a homeless vet “Welcome home”, the one thing they were never made to feel.

        You used to be considered defenders of the free world. We voted to leave the EU because they’re a bunch of softies, yet those invertabrates have more backbone than most of youse. Shame.

        MAGA, learn from your ancestors how to be real men and women.

        • LMAO!
          We are getting lectured by a clown who has to drink his warm beer out of plastic cups because glass can be used as a weapon, can’t even carry a fucking pocket knife because Nanny said so, has to use a butter knife to cut up his Bangers because Teh Sharp! and can’t own a gun.
          Why don’t you spend a little time cleaning up your own nest instead of shitting in ours?

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