15 thoughts on “A tactical accessory for Filthie and Tree Mike and jabrwok’s unholy fascination with Crocs…

  1. People actually buy and wear these things?

    My feet sweat, A LOT, wearing any shoe with a rubber or plastic sole, even with a leather mid-sole and a “breathable” upper. I can’t imagine what they’d be like wearing these all plastic monstrosities.

  2. I could never understand why people wear them, but there are people who volunteer to get their dicks cut off. No idea why someone would do that either

  3. Maybe a little boy, say 5 yo or so.
    But a full grown man?
    Not hardly, unless he takes it in the back door and enjoys it.

    • I wear crocs èvery day.
      Put on my workboots and after an hour am longing for the comfort of my crocs. In the summer they are my everyday favorite shoe.
      I ĝrew up wearing jackals (thongs).
      And I am not ho.

  4. People see me coming in my Tactical Battleship Grhey crocks, Tennessee Camo baseball cap and FIERCE countenance, yeah, they be polite! (actually, Tennesseans seem to be psychotically polite, not in a bad, psycho way).
    The best thing about crocs? When you’re old and beat up (and down) from car, motorcycle, 3 wheeler, industrial accidents, you will do almost anything to not bend over to put on foot wear. After opiates, spaz medicine and 800mg of ibuprofen, hell, could even put on BOOTS! so there!

  5. The only thing anyone ever say to me about them, “You like those?”
    Got a pair one size larger to wear in the winter with wool socks

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