A Phil Report…

I called Phil this afternoon and left a voice message and he returned a text message a few minutes ago: ” Not Dead. Very sick. Wife has it worse. Been sleeping for 18 hours straight, except for bathroom and fluids. Going back to sleep. Do Not Reply. Whatever this is comes with a screaming headache too.”

So Phil is out for the count and I get to run things without a leash… Oh, boy. Im’ma gonna have some phat fun.

15 thoughts on “A Phil Report…

  1. No leash? Perish the thought! Should we be scared? Or will we be scarred. I will open the blog with trepidation the next few days. 😁

    Prayers for Phil and family.

  2. Sounds like Mr. & Mrs. Phil have the Rona. That’s some nasty stuff.

    Pound the Vit C&D. 1000MG Vit C X4/Day and 500MG Vit D X4/day. Throw in some zinc and salty canned soup and lots of water.

    Praying for their speedy recovery.

    I think(hope) we’re in for some treats with Cederq at the helm. We all know what a twisted man he is. Do us proud.

  3. Quick! Sign up the site for banner ads n suchcrap.

    Might even earn enough for a decent cup of diner coffee after a few days.

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