Bustednuckles.net Bookmark It

Sweet Jesus I am confused.

The joint went down yesterday while I was at work.

People started messaging me and emailing to let me know.

I thank you all for that.

Then some other people started letting me know what the problem was.

I thank you for that very much also.

Unfortunately, I don’t speak geek and every bit of it went straight over my head.

So when I went on break at work I called the tech line at the hosting company.

I figure for the obscene amount of money they charged me to host this blog, I’ll call their asses at two in the morning if I need to.

It took quite a while but it got fixed.

The domain name somehow shit the bed.

I already had another one that I bought but it never got transferred to this blog.

Now it is.

So if you can read this post, please bookmark

https://bustednuckles.net/bustednuckles-net-2/ Bookmark It


I just got off the phone with Irish and there was a bunch of confusion.

I swear you should only have to type Bustednuckles.net and hit search to get here.

Apparently that somehow still points to the old site.

Fuck if I know.

It’s supposed to redirect here.



If you happen to also have a blog and I am on the blogroll, PLEASE update the link to point to here.

When I got home and went to my old site, The Vulgar Curmudgeon on Blogger, to update it there, it was all fucked up too!

It took me a good twenty minutes of investigation and trial and error before I could update it over there.

Just now, I had to cancel a Redirect from the old Bustednuckles .com to here because it was pointing to the temporary domain.

Then for the life of me I couldn’t get back on here until I signed into something.

THEN!, I couldn’t get back into the WordPress version of Bustednuckles again.

I don’t know whether to shit or go blind at this point!

I also have some other news in the works but it’s been a very long and very stressful day.

I tried going back in here and reloading the images that disappeared but that ain’t happening because those posts were associated with the old web address and that is history now.

I can’t get to them to edit them.

So I get to start completely over from motherfucking scratch yet again!


As soon as I published this I went to the home page and lo and behold now I have the ability to go back in and replace some of the missing GIF’s and video’s from earlier posts.


I try not to let this shit get to me, I really do.

Because if I let it get to me, I would have already blown a fucking gasket and stroked out.

So stay tuned, there is more to come, I’m positive.

38 thoughts on “Bustednuckles.net Bookmark It

  1. I compare a lot of the web technology I deal with every day, and working with interweb providers as driving an elephant.

    It takes a bit to get it moving, and once it’s going has a certain amount of intertia.

    Try to change direction to fast, and all it that will happen is it’ll run over your hut.

  2. Phil,
    I really wish you would put your tip jar back up. I’d like to help defray your costs

  3. Well when it rains it pours. Never rest for the wicked 🙂 I would add a smiley face icon but not sure how to do that.

  4. The header image (Flag) does not appear on the .net site. Other than that, the site appears mormal.

  5. This has turned into quite an issue.
    All because of a couple trolls?
    I think it would have been much simpler to direct them to the “Yellow Brick Road.” Have them follow that right up to our resident “Wizard of Oz.”
    After a few interactions with the Aussie, they wouldn’t know if their assholes were drilled or punched and would have probably moved on.

  6. Bookmark hell! You’re too important for that. I have you as a desktop shortcut…….

  7. Welcome back, buddy!

    Now I have to finger out what’s wrong with my blog, as I lost the link to allow me to edit my blogroll.

  8. And I thought it was my laptop that was about to go out yesterday. I could see the site but anything I clicked on got me a 404 error

  9. Hang in Phil.

    We will – at least me personally – continue as we/I see fit which is, to keep visiting.

    Something’s been said about ‘if you’re catching a shitload of flak that means’ … Well I can’t remember the words exactly but when I find myself walking deep in Internet Shitworld, I figure I’m in the right place.

    Figure *they’ll be fine on a diet of fish heads.

  10. Posted the corrected link at BCE, and updated my own blogroll.

    Never thought I’d congratulating Phil on successfully “transitioning”.

  11. I edited my bookmark using the URL at the homepage and I still get taken to the old site vulgarcurmudgeon.

  12. I check a couple of times a day to see where the domain is landing next. You’re too good to lose. Keep at it.

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