5 thoughts on “Yup!

  1. There are the normies (lemmings), and then there are the rest of us trying not to get caught up in the herd as they dive off the cliff.

  2. The more I read of history, the more I realize that, yes indeed, the world IS going to hell in a handbasket, and it ALWAYS HAS BEEN! We have always had prophets of doom, and oftentimes they are spot on correct, but it has always been so.
    Divemedic had a post the other day about people who could not understand a bell curve. He’s ranting about people who cannot make change at a cash register. Save yer breath, and let ’em learn the hard way. Stupid Should Hurt.

    • That is funny, when I am being handed back change and they give me too much, I don’t interrupt when someone makes a mistake, but short change me? I let them know… Being stupid should hurt like ya said. Paychecks less loss will hurt.

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