25 thoughts on “Your thoughts, open forum.

  1. Long time lurker here I fly alot in light aircraft and paragliders when you reach a certain height you can see the curvature of the earth I do not personally believe in a flat earth.

    • You should get in touch with a David Weiss aka Flat Earth Dave. He’ll give you 3 bitcoins when you prove it to him. Nobody has yet. Maybe some pictures from your flights might just do that.

      • ‘Prove it’.
        It’s a fool’s gambit.

        1) by seeking the 3 bitcoin reward, one agrees that Dave can be swayed.

        2) that there is proof which exists but Dave is not yet aware of it.

        2a) you can find such proof.

        3) the game is to prove to Dave’s subjective satisfaction.

        3a) like leading a horse to water, but cannot make him drink, one cannot force Dave to accept whatever proof (empirical, philisophical, metaphysical) you bring.

        Dave plays the part of the idiot. Whether by artful design or that he truly is an idiot is somewhat irrelevant. But by playing, it marks that one as an idiot.
        Playing the game of an idiot is to be an idiot.

          • Have you ever listened to any of his podcasts or videos?
            I’m not saying he’s right or wrong. He’s anything but stupid.

            • Clever, but stupid. He’s either ignorant or so set in his beliefs he can’t see his nose to spite his face.
              What hold up satellites, eh? Occam’s Razor sez orbiting around a sphere. Just that fact alone should be a major clue, ya can’t explain it away.

    • I was recently on a flight from the west coast to the east coast. Because I was hearing so much about flat earth I was paying close attention whenever there were no clouds. After not seeing any curvature, as I was getting off the plane I questioned the pilot. He said that we couldn’t see it because we weren’t high enough. I thanked him for his honest opinion. BTW, we had been flying at over 34,000 feet.

      • Carlos – that Pilot is correct. In working on Jets, a couple of times I was on Ferry Flights in a Saberliner 60, with the old High-Compression Turbojet Engines. 3 People, no Bags, and Control Surfaces Tight and Balanced, we could let it Drift right Up into ‘Coffin Corner’, in the low 60’s, and that is where, if the Lighting/Time of Day is right, you can just begin to see the Curve. And the Sky is a Weird, Electric Violet above, and looking left or right of the Sun, you can see some Stars.

        Pilots I’ve known who flew either Lockheed U-2 “Motor Gliders” or the SR-71 Ramjet Blackbirds said that above 75,000 is where you really begin to see it. At 200,000 the Sky is nearly Black, full of Stars, and if you are Flying towards the Day/Night line, you can see the Curve of the Shadow on the Curve of the Ground.

        And yes, the Flat-Earthers are every bit as Stupid as the ones who say the Moon Landings were “Fake”, and that Nuclear Weapons don’t “Work”.

        • Can I just tip my hat to Gryphon?

          One the most interesting posts I’ve seen here.

          Anyway, back to looking for Russell’s Teapot……laters……

  2. Flat-earthers shouldn’t be permitted to breed.
    The human race is dumb enough already.

  3. Now, according to the climate cult and the U.N.(not that anyone should give a shit what they say after the U.N. “climate scientists” were caught red handed falsifying climate data), the earth is BOILING. I guess that explains why there’s been no hurricanes so far this year and a half dozen or so names storms. Also notice that ALL weather maps depicting heat identified by color show anything over 70F as red, deepening as the reported temps go higher, just to try to scare the shit out of us.

    But hey, there’s no climate conspiracy going on. Just ask them.

    • It’s so bad that the weather service is naming “sub-tropical” storms.
      The sand that has been blown across the Atlantic from the Sahara is interfering with hurricane development. Come October this may change.

      Evil Franklin

  4. I am seeing more people wearing face diapers than a month ago, must be some “news” about the modified flu bug out there.

    • Yep, some headlines about a new variant – most mutated ever! Well, whaddaya expect – it’s a fuckin’ virus, and time has passed.

  5. You need that screenprint created from a flat earth boast posting that they had members all across the globe.

  6. My main thought is that I’m ready for cooler weather. Not getting the worst of it here, but too close to 100F for my liking.

  7. I can prove the flat-earth idiots are wrong easily with a simple question. And by-the-way, I’ve asked this question on several fora and never got an answer. Here it is.

    Why would thousands of astronomers, geologists, geographers, astrophysicists, meteorologists and related scientists forego a slam-dunk Nobel prize and it’s $million+ award by hewing to a false narrative of a spherical earth? What is the incentive to lie about the shape of the earth? Where’s the payday?

    Provide the motive and I’ll listen to your argument.

  8. if the earth was flat, cats would have pushed everything off the edge already. They haven’t so it isn’t. OK?

  9. Phil for the win. Also, If the earth was flat, you would be able to see Ludington Michigan from Manitowoc Wisconsin.

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