22 thoughts on “Your Terms Are Acceptable

  1. What hell they gonna take? Peanut butter? See ya’ later Bitch and don’t let the door on the welfare office hit you in your dumass.

  2. No knowledge of the wheel, nothing built higher than 1 story, all built of grass or wood. And they’d still be that way if it wasn’t for Europeans.

  3. I left that behind coming up on six years now.
    I can tell you it does make a difference. But, I sorta traded one for another. The current ones I live around are fewer in number. About on the same intelligence level. Get much more $$$ thrown at them, tax free, literally!!! And are the most prejudice of any people I’ve ever come across. Aaaaaand now we’re even seeing blue/pink hairs and fruity tuitys coming in. I’m anxiously awaiting the day of reckoning or the sweet meteor of death. And at this point I don’t care which one it is.

    • I like the Grape Soda and the Fried Chicken as only a Southerner can cook it!
      My mom was from Roanoke, VA…

    • LOL Sounds like the “Stop the Steal” donation program.

      The man and his coterie are grifters par execellence, you have to give him that.

  4. Leave behind anything that was invented, discovered, developed, or improved by white people, and we have a deal……

  5. Ha. Haha. Aaahahaha!
    Oh noes! Whatever will we do? The US will be ruined. Plain ruint, I say! ☹️
    If y’all leave then this country won’t be worth a shit. Who wants an immediate over-50% reduction in violent (and stupid) crime? Sociopathic racists, that’s who!

    I’ll have to leave this wreck of a country and move to East Asia. And ima take muh awards for good driving, and “muh dik” award for having a freakishly large penis, with me. Who will do your math then, monkey boys?

    Didn’t think of THAT, didja? Hah!

  6. The only thing I can think of is the recipe for Jack Daniels. And JD has gone woke, so get rid of them along with that recipe.

  7. Nice to have esteemed historians correcting the records.

    Seems about right being called the “Black Edison” as he had many inventions in varied fields and seems he screwed everyone except his wife who divorced due to adultery.

    Not bad for a genteel “Australian” with a half-Indian mom.

  8. I can probably live without the delta blues… In retrospect, That’s when the whining really ramped up and it ain’t stopped in a hundred plus years.

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