Your Reactions To The Trump Verdicts? (Open Thread)

As I have gotten older I have been able to suppress my impulsiveness to some degree.

I don’t let things get to me as much as I did when I was younger.

I don’t drive like a maniac anymore and I don’t let my anger get the best of my mouth either.

Yes, I am angry at this obvious travesty of justice.

No, I’m not going to run out and run amok over it.

The people behind this obviously knew what the reaction was going to be to this.

They don’t seem to be the least bit concerned about it either.

Let’s be honest here.

Trump can easily draw a hundred thousand people to his rallies.

I have been to high school keggers that had more people at them than a Biden rally.

People are saying Vote Harder come November.

I will be surprised if there is even an election at all.

Think about it.

Let us also not forget the last Deagle population estimate for the United States in 2025.

Deagel Forecast: According to the Deagel forecast, the US population is projected to fall by 50-70% by 2025″

Which has since been scrubbed of course.

This is mid 2024, that leaves six months on the inside for that prediction to come true, long after November.

Anyway, I’m not getting riled up about Trump getting convicted in a New York Kangaroo Court.

Much can happen between now and November but as it sits right here, right now, Trump’s popularity just took a huge jump thanks to these morons.

So what are your thoughts?

Leave ’em in the comments.

63 thoughts on “Your Reactions To The Trump Verdicts? (Open Thread)

  1. And in other news, Ukraine has been given permission to use US weapons to strike inside Russia. One of their first targets was one of Putin’s houses. Putin in response has fully mobilized his country. WW3 and CW2 playing in a neighborhood near you.

  2. Well, his street cred is through the roof now. He already had a lot of people on his side that think that .gov at all levels is corrupt, out for themselves, and completely dismissive of anyone not in their tax bracket or little clubs. Now, anyone who ever had any kind of negative interaction with any official whatsoever will gracitate to his side of the neutral zone. And if they (nwo, left, swamp, who, wef, etc) pull off the crap to steal or cancel the election, they will face an uprising that they can not even imagine. I hope.

  3. Next we get to see how biased and corrupt the appelate court is. According to Dershowitz, there’s abundant grounds for appeal, so it seems to me as if Trump ought to at least be able to remain free on bond pending the outcome of such an appeal.

    Biden made a comment that nobody is above the law. Well, ain’t that just a kick in the pants.

    But there will be an election, if for no other reason than it’s part of the show.

    Never heard of the Deagel Forecast. I’m doubtful.

    • You should research the archived info. This report was generated by a business to forecast government military expenditures, among other categories. It’s like a Janes or Honeywell business forecast. Do not taunt fun ball.

  4. I expect congress to pass a second retroactive law.
    I’ll also wager that the current president will die from old age before 20 Jan 2025.

  5. The 357 revolver is no longer the carry piece. It is now the the 10mm Glock.

  6. I was already in the ‘burn it all down’ club so……
    What I think is gonna happen is a lot of people are gonna make a lot of money screaming about this. It is gonna get appealed, of course, usually a long process. It may get fast tracked, it may not. Either way, it will get appealed.
    There are gonna be all kinds of democrats and squish republicans trying to get Trump off the ballot. Convicted felon, yada yada yada, but if I am not mistaken….. there is currently no restriction about being a felon.

    I think the biggest takeaway, and talking point to turn minds, is that if they can do this to a former president of the United States, what can they do to you?

    I had already lost all respect and trust in our government. So this is not shocking in any way.

  7. I was actually surprised. I thought the trial would end in a hung jury. With two lawyers on the jury, I thought at least one if not both would recognize the egregious erroneous rulings by the judge throughout this whole process and hold out for “Not Guilty” on technicalities.

    I guess I’m as biased as they are.

    This is probably going all the way to the Supreme Court on appeal as I don’t see a New York Appellate Court overruling the verdict. The whole NY legal system is as corrupt as Joe Bribem.

  8. Way above my pay grade. There is nothing, not even casting a vote for Trump, I can do that will help him in any way.

    Most of my time I’m just keeping on keeping on making sure I am as ready as I can be for any eventuality that may come down the pike. My only regret/wish/something is that I had a few like minded souls around me. Outside my family I’m an island. Speak of being prepared for anything, even something as mundane as an extended power outage in the winter and their eyes glaze over. Folks around here are trapped by their normalcy bias and have an expectation big brother is going to save them rather than watch them die.

    The rest of my time is being spent on having some fun because that just drives leftists crazy.


  9. Think we need to start Using some short rope on some tall overpass. just saying it enough of this BULLSHIT.

  10. Not if, but WHEN this shit is overturned, the left will throw a bitch-fit.
    THAT’S when the fun starts if they think they’ll get off as lightly as they did the last time.
    It will be open season if the LEOs and prosecutors don’t do their job.
    A few 600 yard shots will end their festivities quickly.
    We’re quickly reaching the point where there is nothing left to loose.

  11. I’m thinking that at the first opportunity to do so, Trump’s team will file a special appeal directly to the SCOTUS, citing the special exigent circumstances requiring them to intervene now to prevent the intended political interference. Just head this all off at the pass. But then,…why haven’t they done so already? Either way, I am increasing ammo production here. There is going to be a crippling lack of ammo when this kicks off.

  12. Trump has been harassed his entire life.

    If you condone what the court in ny, which makes a kangaroo court look legal, you are on the side of communists.

    • True that. If anyone is a victim, it’s Trump. When he repeatedly points that out he’s not whining, just stating the facts.

  13. I suspect the DNC will assassinate BIDEN live on tv.
    It will be gory and played ad nauseam.
    This will rid them of a bumbling incontenent pedofile dementia patient and
    Will allow them to TAR Trump and MAGA for the murder.
    Then they can run anyone they want, hell , due to the ‘sympathy VOTE” they could
    Run Woopie Goldberg, because..
    It will give them a PLAUSIBLE STEAL.

    I hate to say it but we MUST PROTECT BIDEN like our lives depend on it.

    Your pal

    • Plus, regardless of the method used, t will be a prime opportunity to ring in a whole new generation of gun control laws.

    • Exactly my only comment too, DMM. Four words to sum up everything about our times.

    • Roger that. Entirely scripted, formulaic actors playing by the numbers, only one ending was possible.
      And their not done yet Still to come are the last lines in other courtroom dramas.

  14. Skeet, go read Dershowitz, and Jonathan Turley – hell,any of the intelligent actual attorneys on the left or the right. This entire trial was a bullshit setup from the outset.
    Trump – although holding the world record for most investigated person in history – may well be guilty of something, but it ain’t this.
    Even the worst of us deserve a fair trial. This farce, before the world, has broken faith between we the people, and those who wish to rule us. This will lead, eventually, to violence. I wish it were not so…

    • So when the DA runs his campaign on “elect me, and I’ll get Trump” that’s not a setup.

      Alllllllll-righty then.

  15. You are fucked if you are American, and think you have rights…you have none as of today….NO SOUP FOR YOU !

  16. Don’t love him, don’t hate him and I do wish him the very best. But this is just another panem et circenses moment. Just another distraction and digression from the real issues at hand. Oh look, squirrel! TPTB keeping the populace at odds with one another. Divide and conquer, amirite?

    • Yes, keep the normies distracted while they continue their bullshit grifting behind the scenes.
      Next up is “The Crisis”, that will be the reason for them to suspend/postpone the (s)Election.

      • All I want to know, is how much toilet paper do I need to buy with this chicken flu we keep hearing about?

  17. The idiots in charge of this fiasco have firmly, if not fatally, if not forever tainted the democrat party. I have for years have said I will NEVER vote for any democrat and tonight my wife finally understands why.

  18. yesterday all the newsfeeds were making click bait out of the fact that one of the jurors smiled in Trump’s direction stating that it meant that there would be a hung jury. No one wanted to admit that the juror was smiling because he knew that as soon as he voted guilty, he would be a rich man and a long with his fellow jurors would enjoy a privileged life in the New World order.

    Wholesale removal of useless eaters can now proceed according to plan.

    • I’ve been thinking that is the plan. pedodent will end up a martyr and the lefts enemies will be smeared like nothing the world has seen since 1938.

  19. I’d hoped against hope for a hung jury. But the other side wants to blow it all up to rule over the ashes.

    Civil War 2.0 isn’t going to kick off this minute.

    But barring a lightning appeal, a Trump landslide, and mass firings, prosecutions, and turnabout show trials in batches before Groundhog Day, it’s either going to kick off, or we’re going to become Amerizuela in all respects, and not just metaphorically.

    First they stole an election, then they went after a former president to lock it in.

    Personally, all my time and efforts go towards the no-turning-back-it’s-here moment, which I expect will begin shortly after the upcoming sElection.
    I will happily be disappointed if victory is snatched from the jaws of defeat, but that’s likely the last fairytale to die in this tale.

    Either way, America That Was is deader than canned tuna, and stinks twice as much.

    That Thing? The one folks were wondering about and prepping for?
    It’s coming like a freight train.
    This was just the train whistle.

    Everybody’s going to wish it hadn’t, but circumstances have no pity for anyone. And at the end, there will be only one side left.
    There will be no pardons nor amnesties for what’s to come when it’s over.
    This is a cage match.
    O sides may walk out.
    1 side may walk out.
    Ain’t any way 2 sides walk out.

    Like the Berlin Wall coming down, or 9/11, this is one of those pivotal moments in history.

    • There’s a problem. Viewing a Trump election as a victory is the problem. The right will breathe a sigh of relief and will retreat into doing nothing, further removed from doing something. They lay off their meme* attack if only by degree.

      *Theoretical only, not actual. If only the Founders had memes, then they’d really have shown tyrant king George.

      Meanwhile, the domestic commies use that time to fortify their offense like the viet cong during the Paris Peace Accords.

      The actual problem is weakling conservatives too bothered to put down the commies.

  20. Am I the only one who thinks it is fatal for these jurors to go public? They will be killed. Perhaps not right away,…but it WILL happen.

    • The jurors were paid enough to make sure they never talk. And probably threatened as well.

  21. I wasn’t all that surprised to be honest. The Left has been attacking Trump from Day 1, and seven years (!!!) of constant legal wrangling tells me all I need to know. One way or the other, the Left cannot allow Trump and Biden on stage together. It would be very apparent who is the more brain dead. This time, they might have overplayed their hand.

    I’m still convinced the Maralago raid was NOT for launch codes, but was attempting (and maybe they found something ? They certainly would not announce THAT – they are trying to conceal it) to find any evidence against the Left Trump found during the two months after the 2020 election. The Left cannot afford surprises – it is hard enough to make Biden look competent.

    No one tells me who I vote for. You can vote for whoever you want – I will do the same. And if they delete Trump’s name from ballot, I will write it in. The Trump 4 years and Biden 4 years tells me who has the best interests of our country. I’m not going to vote for a traitor to our country. Full stop.

  22. No surprises with this verdict; everything the left does is theater for the masses as it adds the flavor of legitimacy to the subversion. Same with November 5.
    Best to keep a cool head while the evil comes to us.

  23. THEY tried to get a race war going with the Michael Brown mess,the Floyd overdose/murder, and another one, name escapes me. THEY would like nothing more than to see us come unwound and start fighting. And IDK what the answer is. At this level of crazy,which includes the whole trans thing, supported, encouraged, by .gov,media, doctors, teachers, I’m leaning towards the
    If my people will Pray
    God bless Trump and his family. It’s beyond my imagination to even have a clue what he and they are thinking and feeling. This kangaroo court is the most blatantly unfair thing I’ve seen. It’s A mockery of any semblance of justice. With different characters it would fit nicely into a Boss Hogg ,Duke boys movie or Twilight Zone. But it’s actually happened in America. Unreal.

  24. What will happen is Trump will return to POTUS, and because of his trial and conviction setting precedent, both Clintons, the Obamas, the Bidens, Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi and the rest will also stand trial and be convicted. Their crimes are primarily Treason, which carries a terminal penalty.
    Hang the entire fucking bunch – as well as every last rainbow ass-fucking Lefty.

    Grab Trudeau while they are at it.

  25. Depending on what state you live in, I wouldn’t count on Trump being on the ballot. What then?

  26. I just tripled my garden area, planted mostly things that can be canned or stored in other ways, and listened to this podcast on Franco:

    It will take a lot of killing to get to that low bar of governance, and that was in a mostly homogenous population with mere communists.

    At this point I’m hoping to live until next planting season.

  27. During the entire four years in office, Trump was constantly investigated. Every of those multiple people doing the investigation were highly motivated to find fault. In every case, Trump came away squeaky clean. When they thought they finally had him by the short and curlies, it became a nothing burger.
    Trump is probably the most investigated person on earth. Also, remember that he had hardly accepted the nomination before calls to impeach were made.

    The aforementioned includes fedgov intel agencies and members of Congress, not to mention legacy media and others.

    Then, suddenly, he’s charged with multiple felonies. Over 90 felonies IIRC.

    Anyway, I question you saying he is a con man. Just who has he conned? A high roller like Trump, you’d think there would have been legal action from those you allege he swindled. Where are they?

    I thinkTrump is brash and boorish, but inside his rhetoric is the truth. I will fault no man for saying to the face of his target rather than saying behind their back.

    Now he’s been put through a wringer. What has happened and how it’s happened should be enough to excite every true American to action.

  28. If you haven’t already, go stock up on more ammo. Needed a couple of items from wallyworld this morning and there was already a small line at the sporting goods register with people grabbing more.

  29. And in other shocking news announcements, water is wet, fire burns and Trump is (surprise, surprise, surprise!) found guilty.

    Now, let us examine Stormy Daniels’ tax returns to see if she declared the pay off. If it was good enough to nail Al Capone, it should be good enough for her. Similarly, that Judge is paid $100,000 per year. How come she has deposited $8,000,000 into her bank account over the last 2 years?

    Meanwhile …

    And we return to our scheduled program …

  30. I just want to say that that judge did NOT commit suicide.

    I’m sure if he wants to give his side of the story, the CIA, Clinton Foundation and “others” might well persuade him to commit suicide by shooting himself three or four times in the back of the head with a 12 gauge shotgun. As you do when things like this happen.

  31. Me: Lord, why’d you wait until I’m old and crippled before the great war between good an evil?

    The Almighty: I wanted to make it a fair fight. But know this, if you lose America, the Earth will plunged into a thousand years of darkness from whence it may never recover. No pressure.

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